Bringing Research Closer to Society, LPPM Unud Holds National Symposium on Sustainable Innovative Research and Community Service in 2023

Badung - Udayana University (Unud) through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) is holding a National Research and Community Service Symposium (SENASTEK X AND SENASDIMAS II) at The Patra Resort and Villa Bali from 7 to 9 November 2023. This activity presents four speakers, namely Dr I Gusti Ayu Dewi Hendriyani , A.Par, M.Par (Head of Communications Bureau, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RI), Jasmine Karsono, Ph.D (Portfolio Director, Products and Services, PT. Kimia Farma, tbk), Min Nursandi, ST (Head of Hardware Engineer , Associate General Manager R&D – Special Project, PT HARTONO ISTANA TEKNOLOGI (POLYTRON)) and Director of Technology Research and Community Service (DRTPM Kemendikbudristek) Prof. Dr. Ir.M. Faiz Syuaib, M. Agr.

The National Symposium on Sustainable Innovative Research and Community Service in 2023 (SENASTEK X AND SENASDIMAS II) is an annual agenda for LPPM Unud in an effort to disseminate the results of research and community service. Apart from that, it is also a means of communication for researchers and staff within and between universities, educational institutions and industry to accelerate the development of science and technology. This activity takes the theme "Strengthening Research Synergy and International Innovative Service for Advanced Unud". Paper topics according to research excellence at RIP Unud 2021-2026, include: Tourism, Economy and Socio-Culture; Food, Energy and Environmental Security; Health and Medicine; Infrastructure, Materials and Information Technology.

Chairman of LPPM Unud Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si said that the implementation of this Symposium aims to disseminate the results of research and community service results carried out by researchers and community service members in 2023, as well as being related to the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University. There were 979 participants in the seminar (871 people for research and 108 people for service). Every university (Unud) really hopes to have a high reputation in the field of research and innovation, not only in the field of teaching and organizational governance. The university has allocated research funds of 15 percent of PNBP (an average of 51.4 billion per year). We hope that Senastek will become a place to showcase ideas at Unud, both in terms of research, service and innovation progress.

"By taking the theme of strengthening research synergy and international innovative service for Advanced Unud, this event hopes that collaboration will occur between researchers/innovators and industry. "We need to bring research, science and technology and innovation closer to society so that it has an impact on everyday life," said the Chair of LPPM Unud.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP representing the Chancellor of Unud in his speech when opening the event said that in line with the government's efforts through the Ministry of Education and Culture to advance education in Indonesia with the MBKM program, Unud has of course implemented various programs to support this policy in order to create a quality and integrated educational ecosystem to produce superior human resources, personality and contribute to nation building. This quality education ecosystem can be realized by, among other things: developing research and community service that is relevant, innovative and productive for the benefit of society and the industrial world. One of them is through the National Symposium on Sustainable Innovative Research and Community Service in 2023. It is hoped that this will be a way to develop research networks and community service.

"This National Symposium activity must be attended by all Unud researchers and servants who have received PNBP and BRIN grants, as stated in SP3. This participation also disseminates the results of research and community service that has been carried out by researchers and community service members. "And I order that the results of the 2023 National Symposium, Senastek and Senasdimas, will be the main indicator in qualifying for the 2024 PNBP grant," said the Vice Rector.

It is hoped that this symposium will provide benefits to the Unud academic community and stakeholders as well as building a global network of research and community service.