Udayana University Holds its 156th Graduation Ceremony, Releasing 1,773 Graduates

Udayana University (Unud) welcomed 1,773 graduates at its 156th Graduation Ceremony, Saturday (14/10/23) at the Auditorium Building, Bukit Campus, Jimbaran. The 1,773 graduates who graduated today came from Diploma, Professional, Bachelor's, Specialist, Master's and Doctoral programs, consisting of 209 people from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, 249 people from the Faculty of Medicine, 36 people from the Animal Husbandry Faculty, 118 people from the Law Faculty, Faculty of Engineering with 286 people, Faculty of Agriculture with 108 people, Faculty of Economics and Business with 266 people, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with 171 people, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with 19 people, Faculty of Agricultural Technology with 52 people, Faculty of Tourism with 104 people, Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics as many as 94 people, Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries as many as 30 people and Postgraduate Programs as many as 31 people.

Of the total number of graduates who received the title With Honors or Cum Laude, there were 756 people. From the inception of Udayana University to its 156th graduation, Unud has had 119,413 alumni.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P., IPU. in his report said, Graduation is the final series of formal learning that students and their families are looking forward to. The academic abilities of graduates during the learning process are demonstrated by obtaining the highest GPA at each level of education.

Today's graduates are dominated by women, numbering 1,002 people, while there are 771 male graduates. In terms of academic achievement, the GPA of female graduates is better than that of male graduates. The average GPA for women is 3.78, while the average GPA for men is 3.69. Meanwhile, the average study period for women is faster than men, namely 7.6 semesters, while for men it is 8.8 semesters. So this graduation shows that women's academic abilities are better than men's.

He hopes that, through the education they have taken, graduates will not only master knowledge but also live an intelligent life by prioritizing a good personality at work and in society, always having dedication, innovation and collaboration at work.

Plt. Rector of Udayana University Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D. said that graduation is a form of inauguration that students have completed education at a certain level. This is a form of Udayana University's responsibility to the Indonesian nation and state, especially in preparing quality and competitive human resources in this global era.

“This period saw the largest number of releases. In fact, we hope that how many students enter will be the number of students released in these 4 years. "Because that is the best performance, even though it is not yet 100%, we always make efforts because that is our performance target," said Plt. Rector.

It is hoped that this large number of graduates will not only find work, but also create jobs. Through the MBKM curriculum and entrepreneurship program, Unud is ready to create quality and competitive human resources.

Graduates are expected to be able to actively participate in the development of Udayana University in an official forum, namely the Udayana University Alumni Association or IKAYANA and participate in filling out online questionnaire instruments in implementing tracer studies which have an important role in efforts to improve and develop the quality of education at Udayana University.

To all graduates, the Plt. Rector advised that graduation and degrees are not the end of everything but the beginning of new challenges in life. Therefore, alumni will help maintain the good name of their alma mater by always thinking, saying and doing good and being able to practice knowledge in their respective professions in a more responsible and qualified manner.