Releasing 1,559 Graduates at the 155th Graduation, Udayana University Now Has 117,640 Alumni

A total of 1,559 graduates were released by Udayana University (Unud) in the 155th Graduation Ceremony at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (19/8/2023). The graduates came from the Diploma, Professional, Bachelor, SP-1, Masters and Doctoral programs. So that the number of Unud alumni since its founding until the 155th graduation was 117,640 people.

The graduates who were inaugurated this time were from the Faculty of Humanities as many as 102 people, the Faculty of Medicine 358 people, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry 31 people, the Faculty of Law 131 people, the Faculty of Engineering 158 people, the Faculty of Agriculture 72 people, the Faculty of Economics and Business 335 people, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 118 people , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 40 people, Faculty of Agricultural Technology 23 people, Faculty of Tourism 53 people, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences 65 people, Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 45 people, and Postgraduate Program 28 people.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU. explained, besides there were graduates who were released and there were also new students who came. Udayana University has officially welcomed the presence of 6500 new students in the implementation of the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) activities on August 15-16 2023. The Rector hopes that by increasing the number of graduates, Unud will also contribute to efforts to educate and prosper the life of the nation.

Not only moving nationally, Unud is also moving towards a World Class University, Udayana University also always improves quality by participating in the international AUN QA certification. By obtaining the ASEAN Universities Network Quality Assurance certification, it is hoped that Udayana University can contribute to the ASEAN region and/or other regions through collaborative education, research and joint studies with other AUN-QA members and accelerate the realization of hopes towards a world-class university.

Not only providing the best educational services to students, Unud also always encourages an increase in the quality of human resources, especially among educators/lecturers. Udayana University will carry out the inauguration of 18 new professors in September. The more professors confirmed, the more experts Udayana had and the more confirmed Udayana University as a university capable of preparing future generations of candidates because of the quality of the educational process and the quality of the educators.

Furthermore, the Rector conveyed a message on behalf of the entire academic community, congratulating all the graduates for the hard work and success that has been achieved. The title that has been won is not the end of everything but the beginning of a new challenge in life. Continue to study, work smartly and sincerely, and maintain the good name of your alma mater. Hopefully the knowledge that has been obtained can be implemented properly for the betterment of society, nation and state.

Not to forget, the Rector advised that the graduates can actively participate in the development of Udayana University in one official forum, namely the Udayana University Alumni Association or IKAYANA and participate in filling out online questionnaire instruments in carrying out tracer studies which have an important role in efforts to improve and develop the quality of education at Udayana University.