After 815 graduates, Udayana University held its 153rd graduation

Udayana University (Unud) held its 153rd Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, April 15 2023, which took place at the Widya Sabha Building, Bukit Jimbaran Unud Campus.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. In his report, I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU said, the number of graduates released at this graduation was 815 people. Up to the 153rd graduation, the number of Unud alumni has increased to 115,240 people. Of the 815 graduates, 460 people from the Bachelor program, 3 people from the Diploma program, 262 people from the Professional program, 17 people from the Specialist program, 49 people from the Masters program and 24 people from the Doctoral program. Today's graduates Today's graduates are dominated by women, with a total of 458 graduates, while only 357 male graduates. In this 153rd graduation period, 127 graduates were scholarship recipients from 22 scholarship providers.

In his remarks, Prof. Rai hopes that through the education you have taken, you will not only master knowledge but also lead an intelligent life by prioritizing a good personality at work and in society, always having dedication, innovation and collaboration at work. This is the key to success in life.

Meanwhile, in an interview with the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gede Antara, M.Eng., IPU said that the target of holding graduations 6 times a year at Udayana University was sufficient, "Udayana University's target of holding graduations 6 times a year is sufficient, in the sense that we don't want prospective graduates to wait too long . So in principle we will provide services to graduates so they don't wait for the graduation ceremony to finish their studies because academically they have passed," he said.

The Rector hopes that Udayana University graduates can participate more in society to build the nation and state, "Hopefully with the release of 815 graduates. As a leading educational institution in Bali and eastern Indonesia, we hope that after completing their education and joining the community, their participation will be even greater with regard to what can be done as alumni of Udayana University, especially their participation in national development which improves the community's economy so that their participation in building the nation and the state can be done even more," he said.

On this occasion the Rector of Udayana University also conveyed information regarding the acceptance of new students through the National Selection Based on Achievement in 2023. "As a Rector, allow me to share brief information regarding the acceptance of new students through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) whose results have been announced on the 28th. Last March 2023. As many as 2,157 students passed the SNBP route at Udayana University and from 10 to 12 April 2023, report cards and non-academic certificates were verified for prospective new students who passed through the SNBP route," he said.