Holding First Graduation in 2023, Udayana University Releases 1,221 Graduates

Udayana University (Unud) held its 152nd Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, 25 February 2023 which took place at the Widya Sabha Building, Bukit Jimbaran Unud Campus.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. In his report, I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU said, the number of graduates released at this graduation was 1,221 people. Up to the 152nd graduation, the number of Unud alumni has increased to 114,425 people. Of the 1,221 graduates, 756 people from the Bachelor program, 191 people from the Professional program, 63 people from the Specialist program, 173 people from the Masters program and 38 people from the Doctoral program. This time, there were 656 male graduates, while 565 female graduates. In this 152nd graduation period, 116 graduates were scholarship recipients from 24 scholarship providers.

"Through the education you have taken, you will not only master knowledge but also lead an intelligent life by prioritizing a good personality in work and society, always having dedication, innovation and collaboration at work. This is the key to success in your life," said Prof. Rai.

Meanwhile, in an interview with the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gede Antara, M.Eng., IPU said that as many as 1,221 people who were graduated today came from various departments at Unud. “The graduates come from 13 faculties and one postgraduate program. Counting we have graduated 114 thousand graduates spread throughout the country and abroad, "he said.

The Rector hopes that each graduate can have a good impact on society. "Our hope is that the presence of graduates in the midst of society will have an impact on society, both in the economic, social and cultural fields, especially in terms of nation and state development," he said.

Not only that, the Rector also expressed his pride at being able to contribute to the country's development, plus at the 152nd graduation ceremony this time there was an increase in the number of graduates compared to the previous period.

"Our data shows that the percentage of on-time graduation in each period increases. That means, the academic process at Udayana University students have the right graduation as planned. We will continue to improve this, so that this can be our indicator that the academic management process at Udayana University is getting better," said Prof. Antara.