Giving Appreciation, Udayana University Spokesperson Team Holds Media Gathering and Awarding Night

Udayana University (Unud) through the Spokesperson Team held a Media Gathering and Awarding Night at the Hong Kong Garden Restaurant, Friday (23/12/2022). This activity was carried out as a form of appreciation for the UPIKS Faculty team and the news team at Udayana University and also media partners.

Unud Spokesperson Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi, Ph.D in her report said that apart from being a form of appreciation for the extraordinary dedication of the UPIKS Faculty team and the news team at Unud and media partners, this activity was also held to foster good relations between Udayana University with media partners. It is hoped that this activity will provide appreciation and also motivation for the Faculty UPIKS team and the news team at Unud and media partners in increasing creativity and new concepts in publishing Udayana University news. Apart from the Awarding Night, a Media Gathering was also held which was a reflection and evaluation of the performance of the Udayana University Spokesperson Team.

In the 2022 Spokesman Team Awarding Night, there are several categories of nominations including the Media Category with the Most Unud News Publications, the Style and Creativity Media Category, the Faculty/Unit Category with the Most News Entering the Spokesperson's Office, the Faculty/Unit Category with the Most News Appointed by the Media, the Faculty/Unit Category with the Best News, the Faculty/Unit Category with the Best Website Management, the Faculty/Unit Category with the Best Social Media Management, the Best PTN-BH Flyer Design Category, and the Best PTN-BH Creative Video Design Category.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks said that activities like this need to be encouraged so that they can increase contributions as expected. In accordance with the commitment related to information and communication with the community, so that any activities carried out at Udayana University can be properly conveyed to the community. To achieve this, of course, we need the help and cooperation of media partners.

The Rector further said that in connection with improving services to media partners, Udayana University will create a Press Room which is planned to be located in the Agrocomplex Building, Unud Sudirman Campus. This Press Room is a room for media colleagues to gather and interact between the Academic Community of Udayana University and between media.