Udayana University Inaugurates Eight Professors, Now All Faculties Have Professors

At the end of 2022, Udayana University (Unud) again confirmed eight Permanent Professors. The inauguration ceremony was held on Saturday (10/12) at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran Unud Campus, Badung.

The inaugurated Professors included (1) Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Budiarsa, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., as a Professor in the field of Manufacturing Materials at the Faculty of Engineering, (2) Prof. Dr. Drs. I Gst. Pt. Bagus Suka Arjawa, M.Sc., as Professor in the field of Sociology of Religion at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) who was the first Permanent Professor at FISIP Unud, (3) Prof. Dr. dr. Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Sp.MK(K)., as Professor in the field of Clinical Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, (4) Prof. Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Sunarta, M.Sc., as Professor of Environmental-Based Tourism at the Faculty of Tourism, (5) Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, S.H., M.Hum., as Professor in the field of Law at the Faculty of Law, (6) Prof. Dr. I Made Rajeg, M.Hum., as Professor in the field of Linguistics at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, (7) Prof. Dr. dr. Ni Made Dhanawaty, M.S., as Professor in the field of Linguistics at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, and (8) Prof. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum., as Professor in the field of Linguistics at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences.

"It is an extraordinary achievement in 2022 that Udayana University has inaugurated 28 professors. With the addition of these eight professors, now all faculties at Udayana University have professors," said Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks at the inauguration ceremony.

The Rector further said that currently Unud has 190 professors from the Faculty of Humanities as many as 24 people; Faculty of Medicine as many as 24 people; Faculty of Animal Husbandry as many as 8 people; Faculty of Law as many as 13 people; Faculty of Engineering with 28 people; Faculty of Agriculture as many as 26 people; Faculty of Economics and Business with 19 people; Veterinary Medicine with 18 people; Faculty of Agricultural Technology with 9 people; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with 16 people; Faculty of Tourism with 2 Professors, FISIP finally has 1 Professor; and the Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has 2 Professors.

"With the inauguration of these eight Professors, as many as 14% of the 1,406 permanent PNS lecturers at Udayana University have held the title of Professor/Professor. This shows that we have exceeded the minimum target of 10% set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology," explained Prof. Antara.

The Rector added, all professors at Unud, including those who were confirmed, joined the Udayana University Professors Forum. This forum aims to accommodate Professors in providing suggestions, inputs and ideas for the future development of Unud. The Rector also expressed his highest gratitude and appreciation to the Head of the Professor Forum along with the division heads and all members of the forum who have so far contributed a lot of thoughts and academic studies to the progress of Unud.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Udayana Professors Forum, who on this occasion was represented by the Head of the Research Division, Prof. I Wayan Suarna conveyed his congratulations to the newly inaugurated Permanent Professor. "Of course Professors have the responsibility to develop themselves and maintain academic values, develop scientific concepts and thoughts in the future and contribute to institutional development," said Prof. I Wayan Suarna.