Udayana University Socializes Tracking for the Independent Achievement Path (PJMP) 2023

Udayana University (Unud) held an online Outreach Tracking Self Achievement Track (PJMP) which took place online, Friday (10/14/2022). This socialization was held to provide an overview of the implementation of PJMP at Udayana University.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana representing the Rector of Unud opened the Unud PJMP Socialization which was attended by Principals of SMA, SMK, MA and high school students throughout Indonesia. The Vice Chancellor invites students to study at Udayana University, where prospective students who are accepted through the PJMP route will later enter Unud without a test and are not subject to SPI fees and for underprivileged prospective students can apply for a KIP Lecture scholarship. Students who excel in representing Unud will be given priority in providing scholarships. Through this PJMP route, his party invites outstanding students in the fields of science, sports, and art to be able to receive education at Unud. What is special about this PJMP program is that at the time of registration, it is through an independent route without being charged a registration fee and is not subject to SPI. The Vice Rector hopes that students who are accepted through this PJMP can continue to excel at Udayana University.

The event, which was hosted by Moderator Made Budiastrawan, presented Resource Person I Wayan Santiyasa with a presentation on New Student Admission through the PJMP path such as Science, Sports and the arts, the second speaker Komang Oka Saputra delivered the Mechanisms and technical materials for PJMP online registration, the third speaker Ketut Budiartawan said a glimpse of Udayana University, and the fourth speaker, Dewa Gede Pradnyan Sutiawan, delivered material on KIP Lectures at Udayana University.

In this socialization event also presenting students who received the 2022 PJMP to give testimonies represented by representatives of the Faculty of Medicine, Putu Mirah Wahyu Subagia Putri and I Putu Fardeen Bagas Mahottama, from the Information Technology S1 Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering, the two students who were presented invited the junior in class XII who have achievements both at the national and international levels to register for the Udayana PJMP 2023.