Udayana University in Collaboration with SKK Migas Holds a Public Lecture "Contribution of the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry to National Energy Security"

Udayana University in collaboration with the Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK) held a Public Lecture with the topic "Contribution of the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry to National Energy Security", Monday (26/09/2022) at the BH Building Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Sudirman Campus.

This public lecture presented 5 speakers (1) Dimas Ario Rudy Pear as SKK Migas Business Support Specialist, (2) Hanip Suprapto as Kangean Energy Indonesia Public and Government Affair Manager, (3) Hamim Tohari as HCML Regional Office and Relations Manager, (4 ) Andes Lep Purnomo as Assistant. Manager of Cepu Petroleum Engineering Pertamina EP Cepu Zone 11 East Indonesia Region SHU Upstream, and (5) Edy Purnomo Manager JTB Site Office & PGA PT. Pertamina EP Cepu Zone 12 East Indonesia Region-SHU Upstream.

Head of Dept. Public Relations of the Jabanusa SKK Migas Representative, Indra Zulkarnain, said that SKK Migas has a socialization program for the upstream oil and gas industry which is carried out to all stakeholders and academics. Through this socialization, it is hoped that SKK Migas activities in upstream oil and gas operations can run smoothly. In addition to socialization, through this public lecture, it is also hoped that after graduating from college students will be able to work in the upstream oil and gas industry. "Because the upstream oil and gas industry requires almost all educational backgrounds," he said.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Rector for Cooperation and Information Planning, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika said that the topic of national energy security, especially oil and gas is a strategic and important issue. Through this public lecture, it is hoped that the entire academic community at Udayana University can obtain information and knowledge about upstream oil and gas business processes. It is hoped that in the future there will be sustainable collaboration between Udayana University and SKK Migas in the field of higher education, whether it's industrial internships for Udayana University students to support the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program, open recruitment for alumni, and support for the implementation of other activities for progress. Udayana University.