1.049 Udayana University Students Join Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Odd Semester 2022/2023

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Udayana University (Unud), released 1,049 Unud students who passed the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program, which took place online, Wednesday (31/08/2022). The event for the release of Udayana University MBKM Participants is also intended to mark the start of the odd semester of 2022/2023 MBKM activities.

In his report, the Coordinator of MBKM Unud, Dr. I Ketut Sardiana said that this release was intended to mark the start of MBKM activities in the odd semester of 2022/2023 as well as request the direction of the Rector represented by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs as a guide for participating students to take part in the MBKM program so that it can run smoothly and successfully. The Ministry's Flagship Kampus Merdeka program is an implementation program for the Merdeka campus which is managed and financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. In this semester, the number of Unud students participating in this program is 1049 people, consisting of 6 programs, coming from 12 faculties. This number has almost doubled from the previous year. Judging from the participation statistics, it can be seen that of the 6 MBKM Flagship programs, MSIB is still the most favorite to be followed, namely WMK, PMMDN, KM4, IISMA and Research. While judging from the faculties of origin, the most participants came from the Faculty of Agriculture, followed by the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Tourism, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, and Faculty of Medicine.

Locations of activities or partners of MBKM participants include: KM4 teaching campuses placed in 14 elementary schools and 18 junior high schools in Bali; IISMA attended lectures in 13 universities spread across 11 countries (America and Europe); PMM DN Outbound lectures at 50 recipient universities; PMM DN Inbound from 51 PT origin; MSIB 3 students internship/work practice in 106 institutions/companies.

There are many advantages to participating in this program, apart from gaining real-world learning/working experience, it also increases the competence according to the talents of each student, guarantees recognition of 20 credits from the Ministry of Education and Culture, incentives/scholarships, and others. Meanwhile, for institutions, independent campus activities are an instrument for fulfilling the IKU, namely IKU 2 regarding the number of students taking a minimum of 20 credits outside the campus and IKU 6 Study Programs in collaboration with industry/world-level organizations.

Through this opportunity, the MBKM Coordinator also thanked the leadership of Unud, namely the Rector, Vice Rector 1, Vice Rector 3, who fully supported the implementation of MBKM at Unud. Likewise with the leadership of the Faculty, namely the Dean, Vice Dean 1, Vice Dean 3 and study programs who have encouraged and facilitated students to take part in this MBKM.

While the Vice Rector Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja said that we have the task of forming superior human resources and this is in line with the mandate and vision and mission of Unud where we must produce superior human resources through the higher education process. The measurement for this superior HR output has been determined by the Ministry through 8 IKU. If you have excelled in these 8 IKU, it is certain that we have produced superior human resources. This is also used as a success in the university's employment contract with the Ministry. In IKU 2 we must give students the opportunity to experience outside of college. We at Unud have tried to facilitate Ministry policies with various commitments, including through Pertor and other policies related to MBKM. IT system alignment has also been carried out to support the MBKM program.

At this time we will release MBKM participants, of course, to meet the target of 20 percent of MBKM and the MBKM team is already performing. He hopes that in the future there will be an increase and continue the synergy of all units in facilitating so that participants are validated through the conversion of 20 credits. The Vice Rector asked the Study Program to facilitate this conversion and recognize the Belmawa competition with credits. Data synchronization is also very important and has been continuously improved and a coordinator has been appointed to oversee it. Besides the Ministry MBKM, we also have independent MBKM and faculty leaders to facilitate conversion or recognition. The Vice Rector also asked MBKM Participants to follow the guidelines properly and maintain the good name of the institution.