Welcoming the 60th Anniversary, BEM of Udayana University Holds Student Arts and Sports Week

The Student Executive Board of Udayana University (BEM Unud) held the Grand Opening of the 60th Anniversary of Udayana University which was coupled with the Udayana University Student Sports and Arts Week at the Widya Sabha Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (30/8/22).

This activity was opened by the Rector who on this occasion was represented by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University, Drs. I Ketut Kartika which is marked by the marking of Kayon. The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Head of BAKH, Head of General Bureau, Vice Deans III, Head of Dies Natalis of Udayana University, Head of UPO, Head of BEM and DPM along with the ranks.

I Putu Bagus Padma Negara as the chairman of the committee in his speech said that this 60th Anniversary is a special age where today Unud is no longer young. This year, several series have been carried out including Porseni, Udayana Art Festival, Udayana Talk and others. Besides celebrating this anniversary, it is a moment of euphoria, but it is also a moment of reflection for students to give their best for our beloved campus. As students, of course, we also have to maintain our own good name and don't forget to also be proud of our beloved alma mater. Udayana Art Festival is here as a space for the interests and talents of all Unud students. On this occasion, students are expected to compete not only on the internal arena but also on the national level. Today, student sports week is also presented as an internal euphoria event for all faculties within Udayana University.

Chairman of the BEM Unud Daril Dwiputra in his speech said, today we will soon welcome the 60th anniversary of Udayana University, therefore students need to look back at what has happened at our beloved campus. He also hopes that in this anniversary momentum, students can uphold sportsmanship and solidarity and be able to convey their passion and ensure that everything is in the right spirit for our beloved campus to make a better campus.

Meanwhile, the Head of Student Affairs Bureau, Drs. I Ketut Kartika greatly appreciates this activity. This activity is a very good moment and is a place to produce representatives or winners who can later participate in Peksiminas. The Head of the Bureau hopes that in this activity all students in 13 Faculties can maintain sportsmanship and the good name of each faculty and can maintain mutual security so that this activity can run well and smoothly.

The event was also filled with the inauguration of the rotating trophy of the Udayana University Anniversary and the reading of the Udayana University Anniversary Porseni pledge which was read by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau and attended by all students.