Udayana University Holds PKKMB for 6,062 New Students

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) in 2022 which was centered in the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building Area, Jimbaran Campus, Monday (8/8/2022). This year's PKKMB took the theme "Together Improving and Developing the Excellent Unud Education Ecosystem". This activity was opened directly by the Rector of Unud which was marked by the insertion of the kayonan and the embedding of the participant's name tags and was also attended by the Leaders of the University, Faculties and Postgraduates and Student Organizations in the Unud environment.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee I Nyoman Aryawibawa, S.S., M.A., Ph.D in his report said that this year's PKKMB was attended by 6,499 students consisting of 6,062 new students and 437 old students. PKKMB lasts for two days (8-9 August 2022) at the University level, followed by two more days (10-11 August 2022) at the Faculty level. This PKKMB is an effort to introduce new students to campus activities so that it will be easier for them to adapt to Udayana University campus life.

Starting this year, the campus introduction activity for new students is only called PKKMB where the committee is a collaboration between lecturers, staff, and students in accordance with the PKKMB Guidebook from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology which in its technical implementation is also a Udayana University PKKMB Guidebook. 2022. The topics presented in this year's PKKMB include the higher education system and campus life in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0; environmental awareness, risk management, and a healthy campus (Green Campus); life of the nation, state, and fostering awareness of state defense; prevention of sexual violence and bullying filled by university leaders and heads of related institutions/units; achievement stage, creative Udayana; demonstration of UKM activities filled by students. Determination of graduation for PKKMB participants is based on five criteria, namely (1) attendance in each activity, (2) seriousness in participating in activities, (3) discipline in using time, (4) perseverance in listening to material and (5) obedience in following the rules.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech said that PKKMB is a series of activities to introduce campus life for new students to provide introductions to students in order to adapt to a variety of academic and student activities that can increase the potential and creativity and innovation of students. PKKMB is expected to instill University Values ​​and the philosophy of Udayana University Education for new students so as to increase the pride of being part of Unud.

In the reform of higher education based on competence and autonomy in the administration of higher education to increase competitiveness, the paradoxical things in accepting students as new citizens of the campus must be ended. Various jargon of goals and objectives of benefits that are doctrinal in nature are replaced with goals and objectives of benefits that can be described academically correct, and operationally feasible to implement. Likewise, various deviations must be ended and replaced in the form of activities that can be monitored and evaluated openly. PKKMB is expected that new students will get enrichment in supporting Kemdikbudristek policies through the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program.

PKKMB must be followed by every new student in order to have early readiness to adapt in the learning process and a decision has been made that every student can attend graduation if he has passed the PKKMB activity.

The first day of the activity was filled with material delivery by resource persons and Udayana Kreatif who held a socialization of activities carried out by BEM including the Gotong Royong Scholarship Movement and Udayana Teaching. While the second day was filled with the introduction of Student Organizations and SMEs as well as the Cultural Stage.