Udayana University Released 1,391 Graduates At the 149th Graduation, 631 of them won Cum Laude Predicate

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held its 149th Graduation at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (6/8/2022). In this graduation period, the Rector of Udayana University released 1,391 graduates consisting of 16 Doctorates, 100 Masters, 61 Specialists, 250 Professions, 866 Bachelors and 98 Diplomas. Of the number of graduates, 631 of them won the title with Praise or Cum Laude. Meanwhile, the number of alumni of Unud to date has reached 110,879 people.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP in his report said that today's graduates were dominated by women, with a total of 828 people, while only 563 male graduates. In terms of academic achievement, the GPA of female graduates is better than that of male graduates, where the average GPA of female graduates is 3.74 while the average GPA of male graduates is 3.70. The average study period for women is 7.3 semesters while the study period for men is 7.7 semesters. Overall the average GPA is pretty good. In this graduation period, there were 180 scholarship recipients from 26 scholarship providers.

To the graduates, he hopes that, through the education that has been taken, you will not only master science but also live an intelligent life by prioritizing a good personality in working and in society, always having dedication, innovation and collaboration in work. This is the key to success in your life. To obtain important information feedback from alumni for improvement, system development and management of higher education, both facilities, teaching and learning patterns, processes, and services at Udayana University, I expect the participation of graduates to participate in online tracer study activities carried out by the Udayana University.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech gave the highest appreciation to the graduates, because in the midst of limitations due to the impact of the pandemic, the graduates were able to complete their education well. The Rector further said that the academic guidelines for the postgraduate program have been improved so that it is possible for students to take a master's degree in two years and a doctorate in three years. In the last few weeks many Study Programs have achieved excellent accreditation and these excellent ones will be pushed to international accreditation. Graduates of this period are expected to be grouped into three, namely the first group who gets a job in accordance with the competence that was pioneered and gets the minimum wage according to the area of ​​​​career, then the second group as alumni can create jobs through young entrepreneurs, and the last group is those who continue to a higher level. tall. They don't want any other group, let alone a group that doesn't have a job or anything. For this reason, it is also our responsibility and our thoughts at Unud how the absorption of alumni in the world of work can be optimal.

The Rector advised all graduates to be wise in applying the knowledge that has been obtained and implementing this knowledge for the betterment of society, nation and state. Alumni are expected to be able to provide information to universities regarding subjects that are not needed and needed as professionals in the field through the implementation of tracer studies. So that improvements can be made and the competencies possessed by graduates can be in accordance with the needs of stakeholders.

The representative of Graduations Viona in his impression message conveyed a lot of memories which would certainly be memories in the future, the journey in the lecture bench is certainly not easy and full of challenges. Especially in the current condition, namely the Covid-19 pandemic, but now we have been able to go through all of this and stand in this place to attend the graduation. The degree obtained is not the end of the learning process, so let's continue to add knowledge and pursue each other's dreams and always maintain the good name of the alma mater of Udayana University.