Supporting Carbon Emission Reduction, Udayana University and Toyota Indonesia Hold National Seminar "Green and Sustainable Tourism Bali Towards Net-Zero Emission in Indonesia"

Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia held a National Seminar on 100 years of the Indonesian Automotive Industry at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. Wednesday, (27/7/2022). The National Seminar with the theme "Bali Green and Sustainable Tourism Towards Net-Zero Emission in Indonesia" is a real step for Unud to collaborate with the industrial world in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.

This seminar presented several speakers including Environmental Observer and Circular Economist Dr. Alexander Sonny Keraf, Prof. I Wayan Budiasa, Head of SDGs at LPPM of Unud, Prof. Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari Head of the Community Center based on Renewable Energy of Unud, Vice President Director Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Nandi Julyanto with Prof. moderator. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.IPU accompanied by the Dean of FT Unud Ir. Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D. said that he is very pleased to work with PT Toyota, which is one of the forms of cooperation related to electrifying Toyota vehicles. Faculty of Engineering Unud also received the honor because from the beginning it was involved in creating Toyota products.

"First, we were asked for input related to the Toyota Fortuner product, we have given this to the Faculty of Engineering and students to criticize related to production at that time, about what has not been fulfilled, what better way to do it. We are also grateful for being invited to do this. performance research on hybrid vehicles at that time and the task had been carried out through the Faculty of Engineering. Unud's involvement in Toyota's business processes was also evident from the implementation of this seminar. Unud is one of six other universities that alternately conduct seminars. "Of course this is very good. meaning that everything is related to research, the results of the study must start from the campus, because on campus we conduct studies based on scientific research, campuses must start to help the industry in this case for the electrification of vehicles in Indonesia", he said.

The theme of the National Seminar that was raised today is closely related to the vision of Bali tourism, namely green tourism. Given that the tourism sector cannot be separated from the transportation sector, all vehicles used for tourism activities are expected to also use environmentally friendly products and materials.

The Rector hopes that this seminar can provide recommendations to stakeholders and also to the Bali Provincial Government in implementing green tourism concepts with net zero emissions. Unud is ready to contribute in realizing net zero emission.

Meanwhile, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia's Vice President Director Nandi Julyanto said, Toyota has many ways to achieve electrification, starting from biofuels, efforts to reduce emissions such as hybrid vehicle products. Toyota also not only creates environmentally friendly products, but also deals with its own logistics and manufacturing.

"This year we are also using solar panels on all roofs with a target of around 7 MW and this year we have only installed 3 MW, that's approximately 45% of the energy we use, we will continue to develop these things including in terms of This reduces the use of resources. In addition to being environmentally friendly, the efforts of these achievements can also achieve a circular economy, both with regional and global office recycling efforts to use environmentally friendly materials. "We are currently investigating fibers that can be used to replace plastic", he added.

Through this seminar, Toyota wants to educate that to achieve net zero emission, it is not only about products and technology that need attention, but also the people who do it, namely HR. HR in this case must really be aware of and willing to do.

Meanwhile, Environmental Observer and Circular Economist Dr. Alexander Sonny Keraf appreciates this seminar as an effort to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the earth which causes climate change. Efforts towards net zero emission cannot be done alone, but a pentahelix approach is needed, namely industry, academia, government, society and the media.