Udayana University and Pukyong National University Korea Extend Cooperation

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) and Pukyong National University Korea extended the cooperation between the two parties which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the Rector of Udayana University and the President of Pukyong National University in Nusa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Monday (11/07/2022). This activity was also attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, KUI Coordinator, Rector of Unud Spokesperson, and the Dean of Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries and their ranks. Meanwhile, the Dean of Student Affairs from Pukyong National University, Vice Dean of Industry-University Cooperation Foundation, Chairman and Professor of KOICA-PKNU Master's Degree Program were also present.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr.Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech said the implementation of cooperation with foreign partners for Udayana University is an important element and also an added value for institutional accreditation, therefore we make various efforts and encourage the faculty at Udayana University to seek more opportunities to build links in seeking cooperation with overseas universities to gain more benefits both in academics, exchanges, and research, and one of them with Pukyong University in Korea. It is known that the relationship between the Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Udayana University and Pukyong National University began in 2017.

He was also grateful that two alumni from the Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries of Unud were accepted to continue the marine science master's program at Pukyong National University. The various collaborations that have been carried out have brought many benefits, especially for lecturers at the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The Rector hopes that other programs can also be implemented in the following periods, not only with the Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries but also with other related faculties on both sides.

While the President of Pukyong National University, Dr. Young-Soo JANG said that Pukyong National University and Unud had been working together for a long time and his party wanted to open up new collaboration opportunities, especially related to the fishing industry. It is also hoped that there will be other collaborations to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions, considering that Unud is one of the best universities as well as Pukyong is one of the best universities in Korea and will provide benefits in the future. Cooperation between the two parties can be implemented in various programs such as post doctoral, exchange programs, and others.