Udayana University Extends Collaboration with Aru Islands Regency Government

Denpasar - Located at the Udayana University Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Rector of Udayana University and the Regent of Aru Islands related to the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education, Friday (8/7/2022).

The signing of this MoU is an extension of the previous MoU which focused on the health sector. Also present at the signing ceremony were the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Vice Deans I and III of the Faculty of Medicine along with UPIKS. Meanwhile, the Aru Islands Regency Government was also present on this occasion The Head of the Education Office and staff, and the Director of the Cenderawasih Hospital Dobo.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech said that currently Udayana University is in the form of a Public Service Agency (BLU) and will immediately head to a Legal Entity PTN (BH). The Rector also gave a brief information about Udayana University. His party appreciates the extension of the collaboration with the Aru Islands Regency Government, and hopes that what is the commitment of the signing of this collaboration can be immediately implemented in the form of technical activities that will be followed up by the Faculty of Medicine. As it is known that health services in eastern Indonesia still need to be improved, so the Faculty of Medicine is encouraged to assist the Regency Government in the field of health services.

"Hopefully this collaboration can be implemented and there will be an increase in the level of public health in the Aru Islands". One of the things that is possible is through sending specialist residents from Faculty of Medicine Udayana University to help remember Faculty of Medicine Udayana University has a Specialist Program. When the study period is over, these specialists can also be directly recruited to serve there or there are local men who want to continue their specialist studies at Udayana University. The Rector also hopes that one day he will be able to directly visit the Aru Islands.

While the Regent of the Aru Islands, dr. Johan Gonga said that this was a continuation of the first MoU, where previously there were local sons who studied at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the Faculty of Medicine. He expressed his gratitude for the cooperation support from Udayana University. The Aru Islands are included in the 3T area and are the easternmost region. It has 117 villages and there is only 1 referral hospital. We have several specialists who are funded by the regional government, but they are still experiencing shortages. For this reason, it is hoped that Udayana University will support health management in the Aru Islands, especially in the fields of anesthesia, obstetrics and gynecology and surgery. In the future, it is hoped that this collaboration will run even better.