Udayana University Receives Operational Vehicles from Three Bank Partners

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) received operational vehicle assistance and CSR from three banks, namely Bank BNI, BPD Bali and BTN. The vehicle handover took place in Central Park (Green Open Space) Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Thursday (28/4/2022).

In carrying out this handover, the Rector of Udayana University received a CRS from Bank BNI in the form of an ambulance, a CSR in the form of four ambulances from Bank BPD, 5 units of operational assistance cars from Bank BPD, and 20 units of Toyota Avanza operational cars.

The delivery of this vehicle was attended by the Rector of Unud, Vice Rectors, Senate Chair, SPI Chair, Institution Chair, Deans, Bureau Heads and several work unit leaders, while from the partner side it was attended by BNI Regional Office VIII Leaders (Bali, NTB and NTT) along with the staff, the BPD was attended by the President Director of BPD Bali and the ranks, as well as the BTN who were present, namely the Denpasar BTN Branch Manager and staff.

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance of Unud Prof. IGB Wiksuana in his report said that Unud is a PTN that implements the financial management of the Public Service Agency, as it is known that universities can only be at the Satker PTN grade, then Unud is a BLU PTN where some of the funds are sourced in pure rupiah so we must strive for revenues outside of pure rupiah in the form of PNBP, wherever the source is, namely UKT and empowerment of owned assets. We also have business units and laboratories that can be a source of income as well as bank interest. Through investment, it can increase Unud's income. It is hoped that Unud will increase its revenue sources in the future. We have been in the form of BLU for 10 years and the Rector hopes to increase the status to PTN BH so that we must have greater acceptance outside UKT. Unud also wants the best service to students, one of which is through UKT payments so that now the number of bank services is increased. He hopes that the receipts from bank interest will be higher. Currently, BNI is only providing CSR, namely Camry Cars and Ambulance Cars and BPD provides 4 motorbikes. Then the cooperation in the development of operational financing with BTN in the form of 15 units of cars. This good cooperation provides Unud with a sufficiently large number of vehicles. In the future, he hopes that fund management can provide benefits as expected.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his speech said that this vehicle would be handed over to the related unit to support its operations. The Rector appreciated the partners who have handed over this vehicle, where the assistance of this vehicle means a lot to Unud. Furthermore, the Rector conveyed that the funds managed by Unud were very large, and it was hoped that there would be additions in the future to realize Unud's ideals of having an advanced and integrated campus education ecosystem, so that the budget used must be right on target. This assistance is very useful to support high mobility. To support centralization, it also requires a large budget, vocational and undergraduate courses will be centered on the Bukit Campus and in Denpasar for Postgraduates so that partners can use unused buildings through lease agreements. Some time ago the BPD and Camry from BNI also handed over a car. Currently, BNI has also handed over 1 ambulance unit and 5 cars by BPD as well as 4 motorbikes. The Rector appreciated the assistance that had been given by the three partners. It was hoped that this vehicle fund would standardize supporting infrastructure facilities in the units and in the future there would be more vehicle assistance. It is also ready to help partners to be equally comfortable in the cooperation that is established.

The Head of BNI Regional Office 08 I Gusti Nyoman Dharma Putra on this occasion conveyed the program for BNI customers according to his vision of providing excellent service, one of which is for those who want to study abroad where BNI has several overseas branches. Meanwhile, the CSR ambulance is a form of concern to help run the Unud Hospital and is expected to be useful.

The President Director of BPD Bali I Nyoman Sudharma, SH.,MH said that his party as a strategic partner would also help strengthen cooperative relationships and increase accessibility including the operations of lecturers, staff and students where digital campus businesses will be developed in the future. He also expressed his appreciation for the cooperation in UKT payment services for students. It is hoped that this collaboration will benefit both parties.

BTN Denpasar Branch Manager Satrijo Katri Wilargo conveyed that BTN and Unud cooperate with each other and appreciate that they have been given the trust to establish cooperation. Hopefully the delivery of this vehicle is useful, hopefully in the future cooperation between Unud and BTN can be increased.

The activity was marked by the signing of the official handover and symbolic handover. Then the vehicles are directly handed over to the unit that will use them.