LAM-PTKes Assessor Team Visits Masters Program in Public Health Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University for Field Assessment

Denpasar - The Master of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University was visited by the Assessment Team of the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes) in the context of field assessments for the accreditation of study programs. The opening ceremony of the assessment took place in the Meeting Room of dr. A.A Made Djelantik Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Monday (25/4/2022). Present at the opening were the Rector of Udayana University, the Dean of Medical Faculty along with the Vice Deans, Kooprodi and staff; Head of Institution, Director of Sanglah Hospital, Unud Hospital and RSGM; and other invitees. Meanwhile, the assessors who attended were Dr. drg. Setya Haksama, M.Kes (Airlangga University) and dr. M. Furqaan Naiem, M.Sc., Ph.D (Hasanuddin University).

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih in his speech said that this study program is approximately 12 years old and has produced graduates who are devoted to improving the health status of the community. As an institution, of course, we need a system that ensures the process has been running according to existing standards. At the internal level already exists and has been running, but sometimes there are still things that are passed, therefore a more objective and independent system is also needed. The visit of the assessor team is to conduct an external assessment. Accreditation of the previous Study Program B is expected to be increased to the maximum to support the Rector's policy of transforming universities from BLU to PTNBH. Through this accreditation, it is also expected to foster a sustainable quality culture.

While the Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara conveyed that during the assessment process all relevant unit leaders were usually present to support the smooth process of the assessment. In the past few weeks, there have been several study programs that have participated in accreditation and some of them have received excellent predicate. Furthermore, the Rector informed regarding the existence of Udayana University which has 3 campuses and several faculties that will be relocated to the Bukit Campus where one of them is Faculty of Medicine. Currently Udayana University is 60 years old and will go to PTN BH. Hard work is very important in the implementation of the tridharma and rankings will follow. Study programs must pay attention to their accreditation status and improve because we will lead to international accreditation, where there are already several study programs that are internationally accredited. Currently there are 14 Prodi proposed and Faculty of Medicine is predicted to be one of them. Besides that, 9 new study programs were also proposed, of which 6 were from Faculty of Medicine. University leaders will support the development carried out, including supporting infrastructure. The Rector also briefly explained about PTN BH and the plan to optimize asset utilization. In relation to this assessment process, the Dean and the Taskforce Team were asked to provide the data needed by the Assessor Team and were expected to achieve superior scores.

Representative of the Assessment Team Dr. Setya Haksama conveyed that the field assessments for the past two years had taken place online and this time hopefully they will get information related to the Study Program where his party is tasked with taking pictures of the existing conditions. The preparations made have been extraordinary and the Team will take pictures and see the learning conditions and the efforts created and the results will be validated by the assembly. The most important thing is how we form a system to build a quality culture and have global standards and competitiveness. According to him, Udayana is just one step away from being globally competitive considering its extraordinary potential.

The field assessment will take place over three days (25-27 April 2022). This Masters Program in Public Health was established in September 2009 and began accepting students in January 2010. This study program has educated 13 generations with a total of 160 graduates to date.