European Union Ambassadors to Indonesia and Brunei Darusallam Give Guest Lectures at Udayana University with the topic "EU Green Deal and Climate Action"

Udayana University in collaboration with the European Union Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam offices held an "Ambassador Talk EU-Indonesia Relations: EU Green Deal and Climate Action", Wednesday (20/04/2022), at the Postgraduate Building, Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. Present at this event were the Ambassador of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Mr. Vincent Piket, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Director of Postgraduate, students and other invitees.

In his presentation, the Ambassador explained the steps of the European Union in an effort to preserve nature. Previously, it was stated that 4 postgraduate students from Udayana University participated in the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) competition and won the European Union Star award in July 2021.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika M.Kes on this occasion said that this guest lecture describes the efforts of the European Union in protecting the environment. The steps that were launched were The EU Green Deal and Climate Change.

What is the role of the European Union in protecting the world's environment with Climate Change, and the program is called the European Union Green Deal. That's the program delivered by the EU ambassador regarding European policies to preserve the environment. Not only the European Union's steps in protecting the environment, the guest lecture presented the results of Nyepi research in Bali and data on the environmental impact it caused. The research was carried out by four undergraduate students of Environmental Sciences at Udayana University, who also served at BMKG. The results of Nyepi's research were also presented in international seminars.

The research results were presented in an international seminar meeting initiated by the European Union and the results of the research were amazing. Because with Nyepi we can see how our environment becomes clean, especially in Denpasar City. While in other places it may not look much, because it is in the mountains.

It is this research data that the European Union values ​​as real research results, making an impact on the world, and carried out with sound scientific methods. For this reason, the master's degree students were given an award as the best research result in Climate Change.

With the holding of this guest lecture, it is hoped that Unud's cooperation with various universities in the European Union can run even better. This is within the framework of Unud's internationalization program. Then, more and more Unud students and lecturers can go to Europe on student and lecturer exchanges, and this can be initiated by the European Union. In addition, it is hoped that more students will receive scholarships to study in the European Union.