DPR RI Socializes "Internship at People's Houses" at Udayana University

Denpasar - Udayana University in collaboration with the Indonesian House of Representatives held an Internship Dissemination at the People's House which took place in a hybrid manner with the main location in the Nusantara Room, Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Tuesday (29/3/2022). The socialization was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and attended by the Vice Deans I and Vice Deans III, Coordiants, MBKM Coordinator, Rector Spokesperson and students. Present as a resource person in this socialization, the Head of the Parliamentary News Bureau, the Secretariat General of the DPR RI, Dr. Indra Palepi, S.IP., M.Sc.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Udayana University Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU said that since the MBKM program was launched by the Minister through Ministerial Regulation Number 3, and since it was promulgated, it must immediately pursue performance targets by forming the MBKM Working Group. This MBKM program gives students the right for three semesters to develop soft skills by studying or internships, so that they are able to adapt to the world of work towards Indonesia Gold. The Internship Program at the People's House of the DPR RI has actually been running since 2021 and one of Udayana University students took an internship at the DPR. It is hoped that in the future there will be more students who carry out internships at the DPR RI, so that they know how the DPR operates, students can learn how the commission hearings, the function of legislation and supervision, big data and many more things that can be learned from mentors in the DPR RI, and can fill quotas. This program is only provided for 200 students throughout Indonesia.

Resource person Dr. Indra Palepi in his material said that the DPR RI in 2022 was again a partner to introduce the duties and functions of the DPR RI. Learning methods according to the standards of the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely learning outcomes and learning journeys, with 900 hours of lessons with application in the world of work. As is known, the Indonesian House of Representatives also received an award from Dikti as the best program partner in 2021. It hopes that Udayana University students can be enthusiastic to register and pass, where last year there was only 1 on behalf of Joshua from the Faculty of Law.

Universities have the fastest potential to produce graduates with the best quality and competitiveness, so programs that facilitate this are needed, such as MBKM. The current positions that many take part in internships in the DPR RI come from Undip, UI, and Padjadjaran University. So far, there are several students who have resigned because of the conversion of grades that have not been recognized by their universities. This year's parliamentary internship program lasts for 900 hours of lessons which will start from 1 August - 3 December 2022.

Besides that, there are also framework programs, public lectures, hearings, observations: seeing and being able to observe how commission meetings take place, internships: how work practices are in the DPR; simulation: a simulation will be conducted on who will act as the leader or participant in the trial and evaluation. During the internship at the DPR, students are given pocket money from Dikti and accommodation, professional mentors, ID Cards, Certificates, Health Services, Library Access, and Sports Facilities.

The selection process is carried out through registration on the MBKM Kemdikbudristek platform, following stages in the form of administrative selection, tests and interviews. This socialization can be watched again through the UdayanaTV youtube account.