The Surgical Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University visited by LAM-PTKes Assessors
Denpasar – The Assessment Team of the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes) visited the Surgery Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in the context of the Accreditation Field Assessment which lasted for three days (27-29 March 2022). The opening of the Field Assessment was held in the Meeting Room of dr. A.A Made Djelantik Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Monday (28/3/2022). The event was attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information representing the Rector of Udayana University, Chair of LP3M, Chair of USDI, Head of Library UPT, Deans and Vice Deans of the Faculty of Medicine, Study Programs Coordinator, Heads of Departments, Professors, President Director of Udayana University Hospital, Representatives of Sanglah Hospital and Partners others, lecturers, students and other invitees in the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University. Meanwhile, the assessors who attended were dr. Nurcahya Setyawan, Sp.B-KBD and dr. Bermansyah, Sp.B(K)FCSI.Sp.BTKV(K)VE. During the opening ceremony, the Tua Topeng Dance, danced by one of the alumni, was also performed and the study program profile video was shown.
The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih in his speech said welcome to the team of assessors who for the next two days will take pictures of the study program, and provide assessments and input for development in the study program. Furthermore, the Dean said that the Surgical Study Program was one of the forerunners to the establishment of the Specialist Study Program, where this study program had been initiated since 1991. In its development, it has produced graduates who are spread out to provide services in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. The study program has also made efforts to develop and establish instruments in the form of standards and curriculum to support the realization of the study program's vision and mission. On the other hand, the development of medical science and technology is growing rapidly, therefore we must also follow it in order to produce graduates who are in accordance with current demands and stakeholders. In relation to achieving the vision and mission, Study Program has developed an instrument that becomes a reference and guide for all components involved in education. However, a system is also needed to ensure that the implementation has gone well, that's why we need a quality assurance system. Internally it already exists and runs regularly, but sometimes we pass through some small things or gaps to make improvements, therefore we also need an external quality assurance system, which provides a more objective portrait to provide input on the gaps that exist for Study Program development. Input and direction from assessors can be a provision for better development. The Dean hopes to get optimal results, and can be a trigger for continuous development efforts. Assessors are also expected to provide an objective portrait as a provision for sustainable development efforts. The Dean also appreciated the support from all parties, the commitment to work together so that the Study Program produces graduates who are competent and have advantages.
Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Udayana University Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika in his speech expressed his gratitude that this activity could take place offline and the Study Program was visited directly by the Assessor Team. The Vice Rector hopes that the assessment can provide good value for Udayana University, Faculty of Medicine, and Study Programs because they have main performance targets, where Study Programs have international accreditation. Study programs that are accredited A or excel will be encouraged to participate in international accreditation and the Specialist Surgery Study Program is expected to be one of them. LP3M Unud is also committed to supporting quality assurance through SPMI and PPEPP, and from the digital aspect it is also supported by an information system by USDI and the library has subscribed to science direct journals that can be accessed by the academic community. The University leadership is also committed to supporting the Faculty of Medicine, where the development of the Dean at the Bukit Campus, RSGM and Udayana University Hospital is being prepared. It is hoped that the study program will develop better. The Vice Chancellor also expects the Assessor's input for the development of the Study Program and hopefully the common goal is achieved well.
Representative of the Assessment Team, dr. On that occasion, Nurcahya Setyawan, Sp.B-KBD said that his party was tasked with taking pictures, seeing firsthand whether it was in accordance with what had been reported by the Study Program Manager. The accreditation process is one of the efforts to ensure that Study Programs are accountable to the community. Where there are two things, namely quality assurance by internal parties and by external parties, in this case for the Medical Study Program by LAM-PTKes. Furthermore, the assessor conveyed that the process that had occurred had started since the Study Program had uploaded the form, then if it had been approved, the assessor would be assigned to assess it, the first being an adequacy assessment based on what was uploaded. The results of the adequacy assessment are validated by the validator, after that a field assessment is carried out. The field assessment process lasted for three days. Then an assessment is carried out through a form which will also be validated, after which it is submitted to the Assembly and then the score is Out, namely Excellent, Very Good or Good. The field assessment is actually assigned on a hybrid basis due to the pandemic, seeing as government policy it is possible, so that it is offered to be carried out to Study Programs offline. On this occasion, the assessor also explained the technical and assessment criteria. The assessor hopes that the assessment will run smoothly.