Udayana University with Eight National and European Universities Develops a University-Business Cooperation Project.

Udayana University with Eight National and European Universities Develops a University-Business Cooperation Project. 

It has become the main agenda of policy makers around the world to increase the relevance of university activities regarding the socio-economic environment in order to increase job opportunities for graduates. For this reason, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) as coordinator of SMART, a project funded by the European Union under the Erasmus + Programme. The SMART Project is an university-business engagement project supporting employability and transition into the graduate labor market in Indonesia. 

The project, which started with the SMART Kick Off Project event, was inaugurated on June 24, 2020, by The Vice Rector for Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni of ITS, Bambang Pramujati MSc Eng PhD. The project initiated by Prof. Dr. rer nat Irmina Kris Murwani MSi, an ITS lecturer, is a project that focuses on strengthening the Capacity Building at Higher Education Institution (HEI) which emphasizes in the field of Entrepreneurship. “This program means a great opportunity for Indonesia”, explained Irmina. According to Irmina, the SMART Project is motivated by the impact of solid business-university relations in the current “European Strategy 2020.” University-business cooperation has increased in the last few decades across Europe. However, there is a critical need for good models and practices for the creation of strategies and instruments in this domain in Indonesia.

Udayana University is part of the project  together with Diponegoro University, Mataram University, Sam Ratulangi University, Kalimantan Institute of Technology, and Raja Ali Haji Maritime University), and three European universities (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Agora Institute for Knowledge Management, and the University of Turku). The Project is Lead by Sepuluh November Technology Institute ( ITS) .