Unud Hospital Prepares a Special Building for Isolation Rooms

The Rector of Udayana University Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi accompanied by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Director of the Unud Hospital, PPK Construction and the BMN Section, reviewed the improvements to the facilities and infrastructure of the Covid-19 Isolation Room in Building 6 of Udayana University Hospital, Friday (11/12/2020).

Building 6 will be used as a special isolation room for Covid-19 patients with a capacity of 26 beds. The arrangement of facilities and infrastructure in Building 6 has been adjusted to a special standard for isolation rooms, where each room is made with negative pressure and a special line has been prepared for patients and medical personnel on duty.

According to the plan, Unud Hospital will reopen services for non-covid patients in 2021. With the completion of facilities and infrastructure in Building 6, a special isolated route has been prepared for Covid patients, so that it is separated from non-covid patients.

The Rector of Udayana University also reviewed other facilities such as a corpse review room, a hydrant room and a generator room.