BAN-PT conducted a Field Assessment in the Diploma IV Study Program, Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University

BAN-PT conducted a Field Assessment in the Diploma IV Study Program, Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University. The assessment was carried out by the National Accreditation Board Team (BAN-PT) which took place online through the Zoom Application, Monday (12/10/2020). The assessors team consisted of Drs. Jacob Ganef PAH, MT and Budi Setiawan, A.MD.PAR, SE., MM.

The opening of the field assessment was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Chair of the Institute, Chair of Library, Chair of USDI, Koorprodi and Task Force Team.

The Rector of Udayana University Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech expressed his appreciation to the assessors team for being willing to carry out field assessments. This assessment has been eagerly awaited considering that the D-IV Study Program has exceeded the deadline and is still using the old criteria. The Rector hopes that the Study Program can carry out this Assessment process as well as possible, so that the various preparations made so far produce the expected results. The Rector hopes that the assessors can provide direction, so that there will be continuous improvement for the Study Program. Previously this study program was accredited B and it is hoped that there will be an increase. The Rector also expressed his appreciation to all parties for holding this assessment activity.

Representative of the Assessor Team, Drs. Jacob Ganef PAH, MT in his speech said that previously he hoped that the assessment which was carried out for 2 days could be carried out in person, but because the pandemic period took place online. He added that the purpose of the assessment is to further verify what has been previously conveyed, and this process is expected to run according to the set schedule.