2019 CPNS SKB at Udayana University Followed by Online Participants
Udayana University continued the 2019 CPNS Field Competency Selection process, which began on Tuesday (22/09/2020). The Field Competency Selection (SKB) includes three exams, namely the Interview Test, the Microteaching Test and the Computer Based Test (CBT) which were attended by 43 participants.
The CPNS SKB Interview Test takes place online through the Unud Webex application with examiners from each Faculty who get formation. Interviews were carried out from the Postgraduate Building computer laboratory, Agro-complex Building, FISIP Building, FKH Building and FEB Building and connected to participants at their respective residences through the Webex application. While the Microteaching Test will be held on September 23, 2020, and the CBT test will be held on September 29, 2020.
The Rector of Udayana University Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi accompanied by the Head of the General Bureau had the opportunity to inspect the implementation of the test located at the Postgraduate Building.