Udayana University Provides Assistance to Students amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Jimbaran - Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi  accompanied by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof. I Made Sudarma, Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Collaboration and Information who is also the Chairperson of the Unud Co-19 unit officer, Prof. IB Wyasa Putra, Head of BKM, BPU and the Disaster Mitigation Team as well as the Financial Section handed over aid to students in the Dormitory and Rusunawa Unud who were still in Bali, Tuesday (4/21/2020). Also present  representatives of Udayana University BEM to give the  Aid. 

Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi said that in addition to handing over aid to students, the team came to Rusunawa Unud to ensure the condition of the residents. Previously, the Unit Officier Chief and Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs had also been assigned to monitor the condition and situation of the dormitory / flat in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of the monitoring have been conveyed at Udayana University Leadership Meeting and have been agreed to help students, there are many form of concern for students such as  providing the assistance, internet quota and also Direct Cash Assistance (BLT). For the initial stage, the target recipients of BLT were students who lived in the dormitory / flat which were still in Bali, amounting 80 people. Students at 1st stage university tuition who are still in Bali also get similar assistance. The amount of assistance provided refer to the existing mechanism and budget availability.

The assistance provided is expected to be used as good as possible to support daily needs during the pandemic and it's only given once, given the available budget. The Chancellor also hopes that students always maintain good health and study in the midst of this epidemic. As an academic and young generation, students are also required to participate in supporting efforts to accelerate the prevention and spread of Covid-19 by implementing social distancing, wearing masks, do not panic and also to share with colleagues and family about the efforts that must be carried out according to government recommendations. If you have complaints or problems that should be conveyed through the media that has been provided.

On this occasion a dialogue was also held between the Leaders of Udayana University and BEM Representatives. BEM University has conducted a survey of approximately 800 students through Google Form to absorb the aspirations and find out the condition of fellow students during this pandemic. BEM Representatives also gave appreciation to the University Leaders who had facilitated the aspirations conveyed through the provision of internet quota assistance and BLT and it was hoped that this BLT  could be expanded  for many parents of students had been laid off or lost their job. 

The Chancellor also gave appreciation to BEM who had participated in a survey to obtain data on the situation of Udayana students and requested the data obtained to be submitted through the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs because it could become one of the considerations for the University Leaders in making policies.

Let's together, unite to stop the spread of COVID-19. Follow Government's recommendations. Do social distancing, use a mask when leaving the house, diligently wash your hands after doing activities and reduce travel activities if it is not too important.