Udayana University Inaugurates Five Permanent Professors, Three of them are from the Medical Faculty

Jimbaran - Udayana University held inauguration ceremony of the Permanent Professor at Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (3/14/2020). There are five Permanent Professors inaugurated, three of them are from the Medical Faculty and each one from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

The five professors referred to Prof. Dr. dr. I Wayan Weta, MS., Sp.GK as Permanent Professor in the Field of Nutrition at the Faculty of Medicine with the title of Scientific Oration "Obesity - Opening Doors of Various Diseases".

Prof. Dr. dr. Tjokorda Gde Bagus Mahadewa, S.Ked, M.Kes, Sp.BS (K) Spinal, FICS, FINSS as Permanent Professor in the Field of Neurosurgery at the Faculty of Medicine with the title of Scientific Oration "Strategies for Detecting and Handling Neck Pain in Chiari Malformation in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 In Society 5.0 ".

Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Sudarma, M.A.Sc as Permanent Professor in Information Technology at the Faculty of Engineering with the Scientific Oration Title "Reconstruction of Literacy Loss for the Preservation of Ancient Literature with Artificial Intelligence Based Systems".

Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT (K) as Permanent Professor in the Field of Orthopedics and Traumatology at Medical Faculty  with the title of Scientific Oration "Reducing the Incidence of Musculoskeletal Diseases through the Social Orthopedic Approach Towards Healthy Bones To Realize Superior Human Resources ".

Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.S. as a permanent professor in physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the title of scientific speech "prospects for the use of Chitosan in industry"

With the inauguration of five professors, now Udayana University has 149 professors and this number has reached 10 percent of the total lecturer ratio.

Unud ChancellorProf. AA Raka Sudewi hopes the professors who have been inaugurated will always improve their knowledge, because behind this position contains great meaning and demands greater responsibility in carrying out the duties and obligations as a Professor to be able to provide solutions to problems that arise in society through science. "We really hope that your work will improve the nation and country," said the Chancellor of Udayana University.

On that occasion the Chancellor also invited all audience in the situation of the Corona Virus outbreak that hit the world including Bali to take part in prevention by reducing physical contact and maintaining health and if experiencing symptoms immediately contact the relevant parties and get adequate rest.