Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Holds Judicial and Inauguration of Veterinarian

A total of 68 veterinarians from FKH Universita Udayana successfully inaugurated and sworn in the Veterinarian Inauguration and Worship Ceremony, Wednesday (02/12/2020) at Nusantara Room, Agrokomplex Building, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus. This event was held in conjunction with Judisium Masters and Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine with details of 8 Masters and 11 Bachelor who successfully completed their studies at FKH Udayana University.

In his remarks, Chairman of the Indonesian Veterinarian Association, Drh. Muhammad Munawaroh, M.M. said that young veterinarians will take competency tests. He also stressed that oaths that have been taken by young veterinarians can be applied in social life.

After being given an oath, this young veterinarian will continue to get full support from FKH Udayana University. Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. Drh. I Nengah Kerta Besung, M.Sc, said the support was in the form of continuous learning, in collaboration with Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) which is routinely held every year to improve competencies, such as competencies in the fields of surgery, internal medicine, case handling or biosecurity, with the target FKH Udayana University alumni from Bali and throughout Indonesia. FKH Udayana University also routinely invites practitioners from other countries such as China and Malaysia to collaborate on several fields such as the acupuncture field.

Until now, the veterinary profession in Indonesia is still very much needed, bearing in mind that there are only 11 faculties of FKH throughout Indonesia and only 7 faculties produce veterinarians. For this reason, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University said that FKH Udayana University provided the widest opportunity for students to improve their competency through internships in selected practice locations. Later, the internship program will be more seriously worked by being included into SKS so that there will be curriculum changes. Increased competence in the world of work is also done by utilizing existing facilities at Animal Hospital of Udayana University in analyzing various cases.

Collaboration with related agencies is also carried out, such as collaborating with related agencies in Tabanan and Animal Husbandry area in Sobangan regularly to focus on learning about large animals such as cows. FKH Udayana University also collaborates with other places such as Bali Bird Park and West Bali National Park to increase competence after graduates of FKH Udayana University complete their education at FKH Udayana University.