BEM-PM UNUD Invites Caring for Culture Through Sastrakara Seminar

BEM-PM Udayana University held Sastrakara National Seminar 2019 on Sunday (05/19/2019) at Widya Sabha Auditorium in Bukit Jimbaran. This seminar was titled "The Face of National Culture in the Age of Globalization" with 3 speakers, namely Gus Teja as the flute maestro, Didik Nini Thowok as Indonesian dance maestro and Prof. Dr. Wayan P. Windia, S.H., M.Sc. as professor of Balinese customary law at the Faculty of Law, Udayana University. Seminar participants came from various circles. Chairperson of the Committee Agus Padma said that today's participants came from Udayana University students and the general public from young to old. This seminar is expected that the culture can be preserved by the students in this globalization era. "The hope is that this seminar will not only about speaker/seminar and when it’s finish then fellow friends will go home and that’s it.  But hopefully the seminar can produce something," said the President of BEM-PM Unud Javents Lumbantobing. (mnk)