Management FGD and ASF Disease in Pigs

Denpasar - Saturday (12/15/2018) The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Udayana University in collaboration with AITBI (Association of Indonesian Pig Farmers) and GUPBI (Association of Indonesian Pig Farming), held a Focus Group Discussion at Ulam Sari Alam, Renon which was opened directly by the Chair of AITBI Prof. Dr. Komang Budaarsa, MS and accompanied by Chairman of GUPBI Ketut Hari Suyasa.

This activity was attended by Unud Faculty of Animal Husbandry lecturers and pig farmers who joined GUPBI. The FGD took the theme "African Swine Fever Management and Disease (ASF) on Pigs" with resource persons Prof. Dr. Drh. Ida Bagus Ardana, M.Kes. The material presented about African Swine Fever is a deadly disease in pigs found in seven places in five provinces in East China. Although ASF is not contagious to humans, Bali needs to be vigilant considering that Bali has a fairly high pig population and many tourists from China and hotels use pork-based food.

The Chairperson of GUPBI hopes that in the future this livestock business will grow, understanding of disease and animal husbandry management will improve. So that pig farmers can penetrate into industrial breeders and can be one of the hangers of Balinese life in particular. This activity will be carried out periodically every 3 months and becomes a medium for the downstream research results of Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Faculty of Medicine Unud lecturers, especially about pig farming. (HM)