Jimbaran - Wednesday, 29 August 2018 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Chancellor of Unud Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp. S (K) inaugurated 15 Echelon IIIa and IVa Officials within the Udayana University. Eight Chief Section officers and seven Chief Sub Division officials were appointed on this occasion. This inauguration is an inseparable part of the implementation of mutation and promotion programs for civil servants who are considered able to occupy certain positions by referring to the coaching pattern in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations by considering objective factors through the Position and Rank Advisory Board.

Chancellor of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, SP. (K) in his remarks said that the inauguration was the right first step to provide an opportunity for officials to develop and improve their knowledge, experience, insight and ability so that they can apply it in every task and responsibility. Employee career development is not carried out solely for the benefit of the employee concerned, but rather prioritizes the improvement and consolidation of the organization in order to improve the performance of the implementation of tasks and services to the community.

The Chancellor hopes that newly appointed officials can immediately adjust to the new environment and always maintain and maintain integrity, loyalty, discipline and commitment to duties and responsibilities. In addition, new officials are expected to always maintain the neutrality of civil servants as a state apparatus and have a spirit of enthusiasm to realize good governance and have far-sighted insight and are able to make positive breakthroughs for institutional progress. (HM)