Disaster Care, Unud Provides Assistance to the Lombok Community

As a form of concern for earthquake victims, Udayana University provides direct assistance to the people of Lombok. Medical Faculty Faculty of Medicine and Udayana University Disaster Mitigation Team consisting of joint surgical resident of Sanglah Hospital disaster team, 3 anesthesia residents, 2 orthopedic specialists, and 2 surgeons departed for North Lombok on Monday (06/08/2018).

Udayana University Disaster Mitigation Team, Dr. Nyoman Sutarja said some assistance had been given to the community. "The assistance provided to this day is medical personnel, doctors, and medicines at the Mataram General Hospital and direct financial assistance to the community," Sutarja explained. The Udayana University Disaster Mitigation Team also provides logistical assistance as well as health service posts.

​The earthquake that shook Lombok on Sunday (08/08/2018) at 18:00 WITA caused hundreds of people to be injured and thousands of homes were damaged. North Lombok Regency was the worst affected area by the earthquake. NTB Province BPBD reports 82 people died. "Our group got an assignment in North Lombok which was the worst affected by the earthquake. We provide multi-trauma health services. For an open fracture we handle the initial cleaning of the back slab and then refer to the provincial hospital, "explained Dr. Wiargita, Coordinator of the Udayana University General Surgery Study Program.

The team from Udayana University periodically took turns to continue providing assistance to disaster victims in Lombok. This disaster response is the responsibility of Udayana University to the community in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.