Denpasar - Udayana University Professional Certification Institution holds National Training and Certification of Competency Assessors Tuesday (24/07/2018) at Quest Hotel Denpasar. The training was held for five days and opened by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng. A total of 19 lecturers from 4 (four) Faculty ie Faculty of Tourism, FISIP, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Business attended the training.

Chairman of Profession Certification Institute (LSP) Unud, Dr. Putu Saroyeni Piartrini, SE., MM.Ak stated that the purpose of this training is related to the tupoksi from Professional Certification Institution to build the supporting academic infrastructure in conducting the relevant work competence verification in the field which is studied by the students before being released to the community by Udayana University.

This activity is also intended to increase the capacity of LSP Unud which is to print competence assessor which will carry out the graduate competency assessment, also in order to answer the environmental dynamics in the field of education which currently has 17 lecturers who are lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering and FISIP. Lecturers will be certified graduates in each faculty.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Between, M. Eng gave appreciation to LSP Unud who has organized the training. It also stated that the program will continue so that the target of certified lecturers' output becomes assessors achieved so that the graduates produced have the standard of competence as expected. In the future, graduates should not only use the diploma but also must attach a certificate related to graduate competency. For that university leader will support LSP activities of Unud and develop it into bigger and integrate with other university program. (HM)