Denpasar - The Udayana University Learning and Quality Assurance Development Institute (LP3M), conducts a "Higher Education Curriculum Learning Curriculum (P2KPT / PEKERTI-AA)" Monday (23/07/2018) at BI Building Lt. 3 Faculty of Economics, Udayana University Unud Sudirman Campus. The training was opened by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng., And lasted for 5 (five) days followed by Lecturers at Udayana University.
Chairman of the Committee, Prof. Dr. Ir. G.P. Ganda Putra, MP said that this training was a combination of Pekerti and AA programs which aimed to improve lecturer competence, especially in giving lectures. The materials provided include Higher Education System, National Standard of Higher Education (SN Dikti) and Learning System. Training methods include face-to-face, training, teaching practice and presentation. The training was attended by 41 participants who are lecturers from the Faculty and Postgraduate of Udayana University. After attending the training the participants will receive the certificate which is one of the requirements for the promotion of promotion and serdos.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng in his remarks expressed appreciation to LP3M who have carried out the training activities. It was also stated that there are four things to be done in the next few years that improvement of facilities and infrastructure, human resource capacity building, improving governance, and implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Improving the quality of human resources through the implementation of training will be very helpful especially related to the process of app promotion. From the results of the audit it was found that there were still many lecturers who had not been promoted, which probably caused by not having P2KPT certificate. LP3M Unud has been assigned to plunge the field to check the number of lecturers who do not have PEKERTI-AA certificate. (HM)