FK Unud Held "Medical Book Fair & Medical Book Registry Socialization"

Denpasar - Coinciding with the National Education Day (Hardiknas), Wednesday (02/05/2018), Medical Faculty of Udayana University held a "Medical Book Fair & Medical Book Registry Socialization" in Meeting Room. A.A Made Djelantik FK Unud Kampus Sudirman Denpasar. The event is also coupled with awards for the most productive lecturers and the most citation.

Dean of Faculty of Medicine Unud, Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT (K) conveyed this activity carried out in a series of warnings of Hardiknas aims for self-reflection in carrying out duties and motivates lecturers to write publications so that performance contracts can be achieved as appropriate. Also stated that one of the elements of university rating assessment is publication, therefore in Medical Book Fair is displayed all the work of lecturers, students, residents either in the form of books or other publications. Activities are also filled with socialization stratetgi in medical book registry, so that all books and publications produced can be recorded online and accessed by outsiders. The Dean hopes through the award given to the most prolific writers and the most cites can motivate other lecturers to participate in writing the book and publishing his work.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A.A Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) gave appreciation to the Faculty of Medicine. considering this activity is very important for the university. The Rector also conveyed, as the teaching staff with the main task of education, research and community service, the book is one of the things that are very important for students. This is in line with the theme of Kemenristekdikti Hardiknikti "Grounding Higher Education, Raising the Quality of Human Resources", it is very appropriate to be implemented this book exhibition because through the book we can ground education.

The Rector also mentioned the target achievement of Rector's performance contract with the Minister. Each activity carried out should be oriented with performance targeted targets where the key is planning. Without good planning it will be difficult to realize the desired target. Through one of the activities such as this exhibition can be known how far the target has been achieved. In 2018 it is expected that the position of Unud will increase in the Ministry, the key is the field of human resources, one of the things currently being done is the structuring of human resources, given the number of human resources currently owned by Unud. In the future the Rector hopes that the things that have been achieved can now be improved, and other faculties can also implement similar things based on output. (HM)