Anticipating Industrial Revolution 4.0, LP3M Unud Held Seminars and Workshops

Denpasar - Thursday (26/04/2018), located at the Graduate Building Hall of Sudirman Campus in Denpasar, Quality and Quality Assurance Development (LP3M) Udayana University held " 4.0 ". Seminar and Workshop lasted for two days and opened by Rector Unu. This activity was attended by various faculty lecturers at Udayana University.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K), in his speech said that the development of science and technology has transformed the very basic life civilization characterized by the industrial revolution, from the industrial revolution of the first generation to the fourth generation known as the 4.0 industrial revolution. Implementation of this activity is one of the right solutions to follow the change. The Rector hopes that this activity will not only produce output in the form of lecturers' ability to apply SPADA grants (Learning System Online), but in a broader sense that is able to implement e-learning learning for students throughout the Study Program.

The seminar and workshop presented three speakers namely Prof. Ir. I Made Supartha Utama, MS., Ph.D with the title of "Udayana Facing Education and Industrial Revolution 4.0". Silvia Damayanti, SS., M.Hum with the material "Blended Learning Strategy Design Strategy: PEDATI", and I Dewa Made Bayu Atmaja Darmawan, S.Kom., M.Cs with material "MOOC at Udayana University and SPADA Grant Socialization" .

One of the speakers namely Prof. Made Supartha Utama in his material explains that in the Era of Disruption Technology of Industrial Revolution 4.0 most companies use technology to sell their products online. Therefore, Indonesia needs to improve the quality of its workforce skills with digital technology, and the University needs to find appropriate methods to develop students' cognitive capacities: higher order mental skills, critical and systemic thinking are essential to survive in the era of industrial revolution 4.0.

Meanwhile, on the second day (Friday, 27/04/2018), the event was filled with the workshop held at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. Materials presented in the Workshop include Tutorials Video Learning, Video Publishing Learning on Youtube and Content Management Learning on E-learning Moodle ( (HM)