Denpasar - Thursday, (12/04/2018) Udayana University Rector signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with Police Science High School-PTIK at Gedung Perkasa Raga Garwita Polda Bali. The signing of PKS was a follow up of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Police of the Republic of Indonesia and Udayana University which signed in May 2015. The activity became the focus of cooperation is in improving the academic quality of prospective STIK-PTIK students who are on duty in the territory. At the same time the signing of cooperation between STIK-PTIK and Mataram University and Nusa Cendana University was held.

(Chairman of STIK, Inspector General of Pol. Remigius Sigid Tri Hardjanto)

Chairman of STIK, Inspector General of Pol. Remigius Sigid Tri Hardjanto conveyed this cooperation in order to improve the quality of education for the police. This cooperation is oriented so that police education should not have no partner universities in Indonesia. Through this cooperation is expected to exchange information and experience to face the industrial revolution of educational technology that has been digital. In this case the Police do not want to be left behind and through cooperation with the university is expected to anticipate it. By collaborating with several universities the students can be more open minded. On the occasion the Chairman of STIK also gave appreciation for the cooperation that was woven and expected to be followed up so which it would be beneficial for both parties.

(Rector of Unud, Prof. A.A.Raka Sudewi)

Rector of Unud, Prof. A.A.Raka Sudewi on the occasion said that Udayana University has cooperated with the Police of the Republic of Indonesia through a Memorandum of Understanding which has been signed before. Through this cooperation has been implemented various activities involving both parties. In relation to the development of human resources within the Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Udayana University will provide the assistance of academic consultants in various disciplines including administration, management, social sciences, law and other supporting sciences required by PTIK.

(Bali Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Peter R Golose)

Bali Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Peter R Golose gave his appreciation for the initiation of STIK so that this cooperation was realized. It was also conveyed that cooperation with universities is very important to see the results of cooperation that has been done with Unud in terms of research service of Polda Bali to the community that the result is very good in the field of security so as to increase public confidence in Bali Police. Kapolda hopes that the cooperation signed today can improve STIK's ability, especially in the field of research.  (PR)


(Photo together after Signed of PKS)