Lack of Specialist, Government Regency of West Sumbawa Continued the Cooperation with Udayana University

Jimbaran - Monday, March 26, 2018, at the Language Room Hall Rectorate Building Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Udayana University held the signing of an extension of Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of West Sumbawa Regency. The event was coupled with the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between Faculty of Medicine Unud and RSUD Asy-Syifa West Sumbawa. This cooperation agreement focused on the Exchange Staff from the Faculty of Medicine to the Asy-Syifa Hospital of West Sumbawa.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) conveyed the extension of this cooperation is in order to provide health services in RSUD Asy-Syifa West Sumbawa. The Rector appreciated West Sumbawa Regency for the opportunity and trust given to participate in providing public health services for the people of West Sumbawa. The Rector further stated that Unud currently has 18 Special Study Programs and through this cooperation is expected to provide an opportunity for internship place for specialist program students, so that it can improve the quality of Unud graduates especially Faculty of Medicine. Rector hopes that the cooperation can be developed and can improve the status of RSUD Asy-Syifa from Type C to Type B.

The Regional Secretary of the West Sumbawa Regency Government, Abdul Azis, SH.MH stated that this activity is the second extension of the previously signed cooperation. It is conveyed that the current public demand for improving public services, especially in the field of health is increasing, in addition to the demands of public services in the field of education and social protection and infrastructure. As regional organizer, Government Regency need cooperation to support it. The cooperation carried out with the university became one of the leading cooperation because it is a priority in the mandate of the Law, and in this regency wants to provide the best health services for the community, but the human resources, especially in the health sector is still very limited. Ideally a hospital should have at least five specialists, and it can not be met by RSUD Asy-Syifa. For that we need cooperation to help the service and development of the Hospital. Secretary of Region also gave appreciation for the cooperation that was established because it has contributed in order to improve health services in West Sumbawa.  (PR)

(Signing MoU with West Sumbawa Regency Goverment)