Denpasar - Sentra HKI Udayana University organizes Udayana New Book Launching 2018, Friday, February 2, 2018 at the Graduate Hall of Sudirman Campus Denpasar. The event was held in order to introduce the book of academic work which is the result of thought and research of professors and lecturers at Udayana University. In Launching was opened by Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information of Udayana University.

Chairman Sentra HKI, Dr. I Wayan Wiryawan, SH., MH convey the launch of this book takes the theme "Through Launching Book of Work Academics as Implementation Udayana University Culture Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)". This activity aims to introduce the work of Unud to be known by the wider community, not only in the environment of Udayana University but also readers of education. Books produced through thought that requires a process, intellectual and intelligent way of thinking to bring the creativity of a brilliant idea contained in the book. The HKI Chairman hopes that the book launched will not be hijacked or claimed by other parties.

(Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. I.B. Wyasa Putra, SH., M. Hum Gives a Welcome)

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. I.B. Wyasa Putra, SH., M. Hum in his speech said that the launching of this book aims to know and map the potential of book writers in Unud. In the 2017 Rector's performance contract the target for HKI is 130, but the achievement is only seven. After being traced, there were 34 books written by lecturers and professors, out of a total of 28 potential IP books.

Seven faculties from 13 faculties in Unud deliver their works, including Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Faculty of Engineering. Each of the authors represents the faculty giving a brief description of the background of the book's writing, and the ins and outs until the book is published. It is expected that this activity can motivate the academic community in Udayana University to produce his work through book writing.

The Vice-Chancellor hopes that this paper will produce national, international and patent scientific publications through increasing the quality of research according to the development of science and technology. (HM)