Denpasar - Thursday (1/2/2018) Psychiatry Medical Sciences Faculty of Udayana University received the visit of LAM PT-Kes Assessor Team in the field of field accreditation accreditation. Assessor Team accepted by Rector Unud accompanied by Dean of Faculty of Medicine in Meeting Room of Cempaka Building Sanglah Denpasar Hospital. The meeting was also attended by the Director of RSUP Sanglah, Vice Deans, Secretary of LP3M, Head of Library Unit, Coordinator of Study Program, Director of Jejaring Hospital, lecturers, students and alumni of Life Science / Psychiatry Study Program.

Head of Department of Psychiatry, dr. A A. Sri Wahyuni, Sp.KJ conveyed that this activity is an event to evaluate what has been done and efforts to improve the quality of education, educators, infrastructure to provide the best for graduate users. Dean of Faculty of Medicine Unud, Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B, Sp.OT (K) added that as an educational institution that carries out the process of education and community service, the arrival of assessors aims to photograph the study program and clarify the data contained in the form. The Dean hopes that Psychiatric Prodi will get the best result to follow the other program that has been divisited.

(Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. A.A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) when giving speeches)

The same hope was also conveyed by Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K). The main achievement of a study program is to get the best result. Therefore, the Rector hopes that the Psychiatric Sciences / Psychiatric Studies Program can be ranked A, since the University has been accredited. It is also expected that the Director of RSUP Sanglah considering that the good service process arises from the educational process. good. (HM)