Bukit Jimbaran - As a manifestation of the implementation of Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and High Education Number 34 Year 2017 About Udayana University Statute, Rector of Udayana University has established Udayana University Senate which consists of Rector, Vice Rector, Dean, Postgraduate Director, Head of Institute and Deputy Lecturer Faculty. In accordance with the provisions contained in the Statute the number of members of the Senate of Unud currently amounts to 79 people with a term of office for four years.

Monday, (10/06/2017) The new Senate was set to hold meetings with a special agenda election of the Senate Chairman in the Nusa Room Rectorate Building Kampus Bukit Jimbaran. Referring to the Statute of Unud, the election of the Senate Chairman was chaired by Prof. Dr. I Wayan Ardika, MA as the oldest Senate member, and accompanied by I Wayan Gede Astawa Karang, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D as the youngest Senate member. The number of Senate members presented in the election of 72 people. Based on the agreement, the election of the Senate Chairman shall be held by consensus.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) on the occasion to convey the future of the Senate will be called the Academic Senate whose members have been selected based on faculty representatives who have strategic positions. The Rector also submitted a new Statute to be printed and distributed to members of the Senate of Unud to serve as a guide in the performance of the task. Related to the election, Rector of Unud proposed Prof. Dr. Ir. Dewa Ngurah Suprapta, M.Sc as Chairman of the Senate based on the performance that has been achieved during leading the Senate Unud.

(Members of Senate Unud)

Members of Senate Unud welcomed the proposal that submitted by the Rector and consensus to select Prof. Dewa Ngurah Suprapta as Chairman of the Senate. In accordance with the applicable provisions the elected Senate Chairman appointed one member of the Senate as the Secretary of the Senate. In this case Prof. Dewa Ngurah Suprapta proposed Dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama which is a lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine UNUD as the Secretary of the Senate.

Prof. Dewa Ngurah Suprapta as the elected Senate Chairman expressed his appreciation for the trust given to re-lead the Senate of Unud, he is committed to bringing Unud forward and more powerful. Seeing the strategic environmental conditions, Prof. Dewa has confidence Rector and all leaders of Udayana University can bring to be the best university outside Java Island, by optimizing and empowering resources in the form of assets owned as a capital to develop Unud and improve services to students through the improvement of existing facilities and infrastructure. (HM)