Signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Sisingamangaraja University XII Tapanuli Utara and Udayana University
Bukit Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) cooperates with Sisingamangaraja University XII Tapanuli (UNITA) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding held on Friday (13/10/2017) at Rectorate Building Unud Kampus Bukit Jimbaran. The event was attended by Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information affairs, Dean Faculty of Economics and Business of Unud, Dean Faculty of Tourism Unud, Vice Chairman of Yayasan UNITA, Vice Rector IV UNITA and Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training UNITA.
Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) in her speech said the signing of this MoU was the beginning of cooperation in advancing the institutions which related to the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, especially in the case of tourism development. Rector conveyed that there are already some cooperation especially in tourism sector that conducted by Unud both domestic and abroad. In the country, many universities assisted various regencies either in the form of assistance of experts and in terms of development of tourist areas. With overseas, Unud has established cooperation with various institutions / universities in the world in various fields of cooperation. Unud is a university that has the largest number of foreign students every year, both students who follow regular programs, short courses and intersship. The Rector hoped the signed Memorandum of Understanding can bring both institutions to move forward in developing programs especially in the field of tourism.
Rector of UNITA, Ir. Adriani S.A. Siahaan, MP conveyed that UNITA is a relatively young university which founded in 1987. Adriani conveyed UNUD and UNITA have similarities because both are in the area of tourism, it also became the background of UNITA in choosing Unud to work together. In addition to tourism cooperation, it was expected that other cooperation can be established among other things in the development Faculty of Teacher Training in UNITA through cooperation with FEB and FIB Unud. In the future, the Rector of UNITA will invite the academic community of Unud to assist the development of UNITA. The Vice Chairman of the Foundation added that after the cooperation, the cooperation could be realized through student exchange in tourism and send lecturers of Udayana University as a resource person. (PR)
(Handover of souvenirs)