Filtering of Rector of Udayana University for the period of 2017-2021

Bukit Jimbaran - The process of selecting candidates for Rector Unud has entered the screening stage. The filtration stage was conducted at a senate meeting which held on today (07/06/2017) in the Nation Room Rectorate Building Campus Bukit Jimbaran. The attendance rate of senate members in this phase was greatly increased compared to previous senate meetings. The total of senate members are 167 and there were 159 attendees. At this stage of the screening was also attended by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Institutional Science and Technology, Dr. Ir. Agus Indardjo, M.Phil and staff from Kemenristekdikti Human Resources Bureau.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Institutions of Science and Technology Dikti, Dr. Ir. Agus Indarjo, M.Phil, (to the left of Rector Unud)

The filtration stage began with the reading of Senate Regulation No. 1 of 2017 by the Chairman of Senate Unud, Prof. Dewa Ngurah Suprapta which related to the screening of Rector candidates, followed by technical explanation by the Chairman of the Rector Election Committee, Prof. Dr. I Gede Mahardika. Prior to the voting process, the Vision and Mission will be presented and the Work Program of the four prospective Rectors.

(Collective photo: Rector Candidates with Election Committee of Rector Unud)

At this stage representatives from the Ministry were given the opportunity to provide questions related to the Vision and Mission and Work Program of each prospective candidate. Secretary of the Directorate General of Iptek Dikti, Dr. Ir. Agus Indardjo, M.Phil gave each of the three questions to each candidate of the Rector.

In the voting process the number of valid votes was 158, and the number of abstain votes was 1 so the total vote was 159, with the number of votes for each candidates are Number 1, Ir. I Nyoman Budiarsa, MT., Ph.D got 0 votes, Number 2, Prof. Dr. Drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS got 93 votes, Number 3, Dr. Drs. A A. Ngurah Gunawan, MT got 1 vote and Number 4, Prof. Dr. Dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) got 64 votes.

(Some members of the Senate of Unud occupied a bench outside the Nation Room, due to the high level of attendance of the Senate Member of Unud)

In accordance with the vote, the Udayana University Senate setted 3 Rector Candidates to be submitted to the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education and they are 1. Prof. Dr.Drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS, 2. Drs. A A. Ngurah Gunawan, MT and 3. Prof. Dr. Dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K). Based on Permenristek Dikti Number: 19 year 2017, Senate Unud will propose 3 Rector candidates accompanied with Vision, Mission and Work Program and curriculum vitae of each candidate. The election process of the Rector Candidate is planned to be held on June 20, 2017. (PR)

Candidate Rector No 1 Ir. I Nyoman Budiarsa, MT., PhD While Delivered his Mission Vision

Candidate Rector No Urut 2 Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS While Delivered his Mission Vision

Candidate Rector No 3 Dr. Drs. A.A. Ngurah Gunawan, MT While Delivered his Mission Vision

Candidate Rector No 4 Prof. Dr. dr. A.A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S(K) While Delivered his Mission Vision