Assessor of BAN-PT, Field Assessment Team to Prodi Agroekoteknologi

Denpasar (04/05/2017) - Agroekoteknologi Study Program of Agriculture Faculty of Udayana University was visited by the assessor team of BAN-PT for field assessment of reacreditation process of Study Program. Assessor Team consisted of Prof. Ir. Asep Sapei, MS., Ph.D from IPB and Dr. Ir. Bambang Joko Priatmadi, MP from Lambung Mangkurat University which was accepted by the Rector of Udayana University in the meeting room of the Dean of Agricultural Faculty of Agrokompleks Building, Campus Unud, Jl. P. B. Sudirman, Denpasar. Present on the occasion were Deputy Rector I, Deputy Rector II, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and Vice Dean, Head of LP3M Unud, Chairman of USDI, Kaprodi Agroekoteknologi and all academic community of Agroekoteknologi Prodi.
Rector of Unud, Prof. Ketut Suastika in his speech said that accreditation is one of the institution's obligations, especially the study program whose implementation is done periodically. Rector believes Faculty of Agriculture has prepared everything related to the process of reaccreditation Program Agroekoteknologi with the best. The Rector hoped that through this activity can be beneficial and during the discussion got input from the assessors to improve the learning process which is going forward. Recently, the government began to concentrate on agriculture, especially agroecotechnology, so that the quality of graduates is expected to be improved to compete not only at the national level but also internationally. The Rector also expressed his appreciation to LP3M Unud and USDI for supporting the study program in the accreditation process.

Assessor Representative in his speech delivered accreditation that related to the qualntity and quality of graduates amid the globalization challenge. In the accreditation process, the Assessor Team was responsible for carrying out the field assessment after the adequacy assessment has been conducted. Field assessment aims to verify everything that has been stated in the form. In the field, assessment process is needed assistance from the study program in the process of verification form. Assessment conducted in 2 days which are expected to give the best results for Prodi Agroekoteknologi, Faculty of Agriculture. Asesor also expressed readiness to dig deeper excellence prodi which have not been entered in form. The same thing is also conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, all the efforts that have been done by all academics Prodi Agroekoteknologi expected to get maximum results. The Dean also expressed his appreciation for the support given by the university leaders and their staffs.(PR)