The Peak of the Dharma Shanti Penyepian 2017 Event of FPMHD UNUD

Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Mataram, M.Si. as the Head of Welfare Section of Denpasar City Became the Speaker in the Peak Event of Dharma Shanti Penyepian 2017

Denpasar – Saturday, April 29th, 2017 the Brotherhood Forum of Hindu Dharma Students UNUD conducted the peak event night of Dharma Shanti Penyepian 2017. The activity, which was the culmination of the previous series, was held in Nusantara Room on the 4th floor of Agrokomplek Building, Sudirman Campus. Dharma Shanti Penyepian this year took the theme of "Pitresnan Okan Putun" which means the love of the younger generation of the ancestral heritage. The final night's agenda of Dharma Shanti Penyepian 2017 consisted of dharmatula, trophy handover to champions of each races, and entertainment from several guest stars.

The registration was held since 15.30 WITA and the activity started at 16.00 WITA. The series of activities on this day began with the opening and report of the committee chairman as well as several remarks. The coordinator of FPMHD UNUD and the advisory council ofFPMHD UNUD gave their speeches. Then Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH. as the Vice Rector III of Udayana University gave a speech while officially opening the event.

The activity continued with the dharmatula filled by Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Mataram, M.Si. as the Head of Section of Welfare of Setda Denpasar. He replaced the mayor of Denpasar who was unable to attend on this occasion. In the dharmatula, it discussed the history of Balinese culture and what things must be done by the present generation to keep the cultural heritage of the ancestors. This is in accordance with the theme of Dharma Shanti Penyepian that carried by the committee. Some guest stars in the night peak of Dharma Shanti Penyepian were One Ethnic, Teater Kaki Lima Denpasar, and Sekar (Seniman Kahuripan). Parasugeni from the engineering faculty became the musk accompanist in this activity.

The event continued with the submission of trophies to the champions of each race. In the writing essay competition of SMA / SMK level in Bali, the first winner was Putu Agustina W. D. from SMAN 2 Semarapura, the second winner was Ni Putu Sri Indari R. from SMAN 2 Amlapura, and the third winner was Kadek Dwitya Widi A. From SMAN 4 Denpasar. For the writing essays competition of university level in Bali, the first winner was I Gede Andika from Udayana University, the second winner was Made Agni Prabawa S. from Udayana University, and the third winner was Ni Luh Ayu Anggreni P. from STMIK PRIMAKARA. The team from SMAN 1 Tabanan became the second winner in the intelligent contest of SMA / SMK level in Bali. Then the student team from SMA Gurukula Bangli became the first winner and the third winner of the intelligent contest of SMA / SMK level in Bali.

In Balinese literary writing contest for women, the first winner was achieved by Siti Noviali from SMAN 5 Denpasar, the second winner was Putu Ayu Andriyani from SMAN 4 Denpasar, and the third winner was Ni Luh Putu Sisca P. from SMAN 1 Kuta. Then for the Balinese literary writing contest for men, the first winner was I Nyoman Erlangga from SMAN 3 Denpasar, the second winner was I Made Kusuma Y. From SMAN 4 Denpasar, and the third winner was I Gede Doni S. from SMAN 1 Kuta.

Ni Ketut Supadiati as the chairman of the committee in this activity claimed to have many lessons. One of them was able to learn how to lead. "I hope for next year, this event can be improved again related to everything. Hopefully also, there are more participants to preserve our culture", he said. (mimi)