Posts Prof. Ardika loaded as Chapter Books "WISDOM: Local Wisdom Global Solutions"

Prof. Dr. I Wayan Ardika (Picture by Darma Putra).

Article by professor of archeology Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Udayana University Prof. Dr. I Wayan Ardika, M.A. was published as a book chapter in the book WISDOM: Local Wisdom Global Solutions (2016).

Edited books GMU professor and former vice minister of Culture Prof. Dr. Wiendu Nuryanti published by Gajah Mada University Press late last year.In the book, Prof. Ardika contributes knowledge about the perpetrators of cultural tourism and creative economy.

The text contained in chapter 7 titled "Village Tourism and Cretive Economy: Adapting to Change."This book is the result of world-level conference "Wisdom 2010: World Conference on Culture, Education and Science", held at UGM few years ago.

The cover of the book that contain of Prof. Ardika writing

Book Cover.

Desa Wisata Tenganan

The former Dean of FIB two periods (2003-2011) in his writings discusses the Tenganan Pegringsingan located in Karangasem regency. According to him, the structure or layout of the village, settlement patterns, and local customs are quite unique makes many researchers and tourists who are interested in visiting this village.

"Pegringsingan Tenganan has now grown as one of the very important cultural tourism in Bali," said alumni of the Australian National University.

In his article, Prof. Ardika also explained that heritage tourism is not just to enjoy the beauty of nature, but also tours to add the experience and knowledge of an area, the artifacts that exist in the area, and also the activities of the local residents who represent the stories of the past to the present.

"Cultural tourism is one of the fastest growing segments in the tourism industry today," said Prof. Ardika who was also the Chairman of Tourism Studies Master program Unud.

Prof. Ardika when dropping the S-2 student Study of Tourism to Pageringsingan tourist village Tenganan

In his article, Prof. Ardika also explained that cultural tourism is very important to be developed for a variety of reasons, including economic and social impacts are positive, can solidify and strengthen the identity of indigenous peoples, as well as helping to preserve the cultural heritage.

Sitasi Google Scholar Version

Prof. Ardika is Unud productive researcher. The results of his research are also many books published in international and widely cited researchers.

His book published, among others, the Present Perspective Cultural Heritage (2015) and the Cultural Heritage and Tourism (2007). He also edited the book Social Harmony Across Cultures (2016), which became the text book Cross-Cultural Communication courses in FIB Unud.

According to Google Scholar citation records, publications Prof. Ardika has been quoted as much as 582 times with h-reindexs 12 or i10-index 14 (until April 2017). This high number of citations put Prof. Ardika in the ranking of 300 large google scholar lecturers in Indonesia.

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Prof. Sutjiati Beratha, M.A. welcomes the academic productivity of lecturers FIB. On various occasions he encouraged lecturers to do research and scientific publications in journals nationally accredited and reputable.

"Publications that in addition to improving the academic performance of lecturers, can also be the name of the institution," said Prof. Sutji (arisugama).