Towards a World Class University, in 2019 Unud Targets 50% of Prodi already Accredited A

Denpasar on March 31, 2017. The Udayana University (Unud) through the Development Institute of Learning and Quality Assurance (LP3M) held Socialization of Higher Education Accreditation System Application Online (SAPTO),it  held in Program Doctoral Building Faculty of Economics and Business Campus Udayana University, Jl. P.B. Sudirman, Denpasar. This event was attended by the Dean and Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Assistant Director I of Post Graduate, Chairman of LP3M, Chairman of the Master and Doctoral Studies Program and the Internal Assessor of Unud.

The Chairman of LP3M Unud, Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc.Ph.D as the organizer of the report stated that the date of March 31, 2017 was the last limit of filing borang offline Accreditation (Data Manual) in accordance with the circular of BAN-PT. As of 1 April 2017 submission borang Accreditation will use an online system known as SAPTO. Related to the Implementation of SAPTO, LP3M held a socialization with the keynote speakers was Dr. DVM. Hapsari Mahatmi, MP and Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Bagus Sila Dharma, MT which is Assessor BAN-PT from Udayana University who has followed Dissemination BANP-PT Bekasi, followed by exposure of the Quality Assurance Standards policy which is presented by Dr. I Wayan Suardana, SST, M.Par.

Nengah Sujaya also expressed Accreditation be the demands of the Constitution so that every operator of Higher Education must carry out the accreditation in accordance with the Law No. 12 of 2012. The consequences of non-accredited study program are graduates would not be recognized and therefore could not apply in the world of work. Unud has owned SOP in the filing of accreditation so hopefully Prodi will not too late to submit the accreditation forms. For the new study program in accordance with Permenristekdikti No. 32 no later than 2 years after the operating licenses is issued must apply for accreditation. To realize the ideals Unud become a World Class University, is expected by 2019 Unud targets of 50% Prodi already accredited, currently only 32% Prodi at Udayana University accredited A. To achieve this goal of LP3M team ready to assist in the preparation of the accreditation forms Prodi to achieve best value. It is expected that each activity to be undertaken by the Prodi should refer to 150 items of assessment accreditation Studies Program to be included in the assessment elements. LP3M Chairman also informed that the transition SAPTO 7 standards will begin by June 1, 2017, and in 2018 will use a standard 9 which may be more difficult. LP3M will be budgeted for Prodi which has been two times gaining accreditation to participate in international accreditation such as AUN-QA.

Deputy Rector III Udayana University, Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH.MH in his speech delivered SAPTO Implementation which is an obligation for institutions that must be followed in accordance with the technological developments that are already using the online system. Accreditation is very important for the institution because enormous impact on student admission process. Accreditation status also affects graduates in finding jobs. SAPTO should be understood by all parties and stakeholders because accreditation is a must for Higher Education.

Dr. drh. Hapsari Mahatmi, MP sidelines convey through this SAPTO per June 1st 2017 Prodi no longer need to send borang form Hardcopy to BAN-PT and this is very advantageous Prodi financing. Given that many universities and Prodi were frightened by the application of this SAPTO because obviously they are not familiar with the system. Through this SAPTO accreditation process could be easier. In the application in accordance with the circular letter BAN-PT every institution must submit one member as an account holder to be entered into SAPTO and assessors have a separate account just as assessors.

Procedures assistance also will be performed to improve the quality of accreditation. In a filing borang, Prodi must go through LP3M to be uploaded to SAPTO as deemed appropriate by the Assistance Team and get a letter of recommendation. Adequacy assessment was also conducted online prior to the field assessment. For the next AIPT process for institutions will be done online. (PR)