Maranatha Hopes SMAN 6 Surakarta’s Student Will Continue Their Education In Unud

SMAN 6 Surakarta, on tuesday (21/3) visited Udayana University (Unud). The group consisted of 187 students of class IX and 8 teachers assistant were accepted in the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building of Campus Bukit Jimbaran by the Head of Academic and Statistics, Nyoman Supangat SH. As of the date of March 21, 2017, Udayana University has received 13 visits from various Secondary Schools from outside Bali.

The head of the group, mrs. Maranatha's told the purpose of this visit was for introduction to the students about college and also get direct information about Unud. This visit is the first visit and it was an honor for SMAN 6 Surakarta that has been well received by Udayana. This student visit was one program of "Goes To Campus" in order to help students to get information of the college. Maranatha wishes the students can absorb a variety of information which obtained on a visit to Unud and they will prepare to make a choice after graduating from high school, it is expected to be more of SMAN 6 Surakarta received at Udayana University in the academic year 2017/2018.

Head of Academic and Statistics Nyoman Supangat,SH who was accompanied by Head of Academic Support, I Made Budiastrawan, S.Kom., MM which conveyed a glimpse of a picture Unud with advantages, as well as the tips for students that they must have if they want to qualify for higher college, especially in Udayana University. In the question and answer session, students enthusiastically asked good questions about the philosophy and the symbol of the Udayana University, or other questions, especially about the activity of the lecturer. (PR)