Rector of Udayana University hopes Master Program Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of UNUD obtaining A value of acreditation.

On monday, March 13th , 2017 took the place at the Graduate Building, Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD received the assessors of BAN-PT conducting field assessments in order to accredit the Master of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. The activity was attended by the Deputy Rector, Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Damriyasa, MS, The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Drs. Ida Bagus Made Suaskara, M.Si with Vice Deans, The Director of Postgraduate, Assistant I Director of Postgraduate, Chief of LP3M, The Head of USDI, and The Head of Program Study of Masters in Biology field. In his speech, Rector said that many of the activities carried out at the Udayana University  but less recorded properly. It is expected to improve its management that have already presented, the various activities undertaken in each unit can recorded better.

Through the assessment is expected to the field of study programs can be photographed well in accordance with the reality. Rector also wished Biology Master program will obtain the best results, and motivated to achieve the rating, because almost all of Study Program in Unud already predicated A. Assessor’s suggestions and feedback are needed for the development of the study program to be better, and the key to success it is the hard work of all elements of the Master study Program Biological Science.

BAN-PT Assessors team consists of Dr. Sri Wulan Manuhara Y, M.Si (Airlangga University) and Dr. Diah Rachmawati, S.Si., M.Si (UGM) conveyed, as a representative of BAN-PT Assessors have the task of implementing the Field Assessment for clarification of the data already submitted in advance through a form then performed desk evaluation. Field assessment is intended to get the actual available field reports to be given the best possible value and be objective.  Through this meeting the assessors requested permission to the Rector to make an assessment directly to the Master Program Biology. The assessors also look forward during the assessment process, the documents required to immediately be shown to complete the forms that already exist.

Assessment began with the presentation of the Head USDI, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Gede Putra Dharma, Kom., MT on IMISSU Unud which is followed by clarification of a form. The academic community FMIPA hope this site assessment runs smoothly and obtain the best results. (PR)