The 250th Inauguration of Gallery Investments Indonesia Stock Exchange Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana

Ribbon Cutting procession as a symbol of the inauguration of the 250th IDX Investment Gallery in the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana

Sudirman-Denpasar, There had been implemented, the 250th inauguration Gallery Indonesia Stock Exchange throughout Indonesia. Located in the Hall Building of Doctoral, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana. IDX Investment Gallery in FEB UNUD is the 10th IDX Investment Gallery that is inagurated this year. Partners Exchange Member in the Investment Gallery BEI FEB UNUD is Philip Securities Indonesia. This event was attended by the Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Mr. Tito Sulistyo and staffs, President Director of PT. Philip Securities Indonesia Mr. Daniel Teja Daniel, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Dr. I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa, SE., MSi, and other invited guests and was attended by the participants from Unud, FEB students and attended by national media throughout.

One of Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) extended the Indonesian Capital Market and Capital Market inclusiveness and introduced it early to the academia to establish BEI Investment Gallery. 3 in 1 concepts of cooperation in the establishment of the Investment Gallery is a collaboration between IDX, Universities and Member of the Exchange, which is expected not only recognize the academic community in terms of capital market theory alone but directly to practice.

A group photo after the signing of the profession of 250th inauguration Investment Gallery

The event began with the speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Dr. I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa, SE., MSi. In his speech forthwith the happy sense about the presence of the Indonesian Stock Exchange umpteenth time to UNUD FEB. Here is one of the nuances provided by IDX, so we must improve competitiveness, increase competence but still must not forget the local culture. National competitiveness arises from a variety of local potentials. So no wonder the economy of Bali is always on top of the National. This is an indication that the potential in Bali is very good to do an alternative investment, not only in the financial but also the capital market. Bali in terms of the unemployment rate in Bali is only 1.89% of the 34 Provinces. Bali below the poverty level in Jakarta where Jakarta has the lowest poverty rates nationwide. It becomes a challenge of how we should be pursuing Jakarta. It is the investment opportunities will be greater and this is a good opportunity for the BEI to provide the best information. Bali with the current condition "is not so perfect information" turns bali extraordinary has happened 34% investment of close to 5 trillion that will be great in the developed capital markets.

President Director of PT. Philips Scurities Indonesia Mr. Daniel Teja in this occasion stated that "A lot of miss communication on the capital market, but we look at this, do not take this as a short-term investment, but consider as a first step to start a business, but this business very easy. Simply enter less capital then you will get a large company. No need to bother to buy land and construct HRD. You simply buy a bit of its shares, which is slowly being viewed is a financial statement, the shares rise or fall also to be seen. I am sure that you grasp the financial statements and the financial statements were absolutely no definite. I ask you later to use this gallery, which is not just to know about stocks but also other instruments, how it works and whether there is another chance in the please career, I'm happy if you ask there. We are committed if here there is something you want to know, we are ready to bring teachers from Jakarta or others to meet the needs of its core do not be shy to ask." The message of Mr. Daniel Teja.

Flashmob action Lets Save Shares by the participants in the activities of the 250th inauguration of the gallery Investment in the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana

Mr. Tito Sulistyo delivered that the transactions in Bali was one of the largest in Indonesia as much as 35% from 2014 to 2016. Competition is now more advanced and more stringent, if we talk we talk a long-term investment, the last 10 years is the result of investment in the Stock Exchange is the largest in the world. It's a very interesting thing, which makes the increase in the number of investors. Investors last year we increased by 30%. One return is a great distribution market by continuing to open the gallery. The gallery is a means of introducing the capital market from the beginning. BEI cooperation with securities companies and cooperation with the University. Later in FEB UNUD will be open capital markets department, which later so passed directly can return to work in the stock market does not need the exam again and can start to work, a career in the capital market. Hopefully, with the opening of the gallery is to be a blessing for the market Mudal, a blessing for FEB UNUD and a blessing for the country. Be the investors shares now, so that you get a future prosperous.

IDX Investment gallery presents all publications and printed materials about the capital market issued by the Indonesia Stock Exchange, including regulations and Capital Markets Act. The information and data contained in the Investment Gallery BEI can be used by the academic community for academic and research purposes, as well as a reference in the decision when making buy and sell securities. With the gallery IDX Investment is expected to be mutually beneficial for all parties to disseminate the views of capital market information more effective. Besides the benefits of the Gallery Investment BEI is able to provide optimum benefits for students, prktisi economy, investors, capital market analyst mapun general public in the area, both for the sake of education by doing the socialization of capital markets on an ongoing basis as well as to the economic interest or investment vehicle, (arisugama)